value of a West Point education


5-Year Member
Oct 31, 2010
howmuch value does the government pay for a West Point education? I need to know for my graduation ceremony when they announce my appointment.

If you scroll down to "How long must I serve in the Army?", it states that its worth in excess of $225,000.

It definitely seems a lot more then $225,000 though. Though I'm sure if a higher number is mentioned then some parents will probably drop. :shake:
The most recent figure I could find was one from a 2003 GAO report (GAO-03-1000) which listed the cost per USMA graduate at $349,327 for FY2002. That figure came from USMA's total yearly operating costs divided by the number of grads that year. The report also provided the figures for each of the three years prior to that, and the average cost increase each year was ~$13,000. Even if you round down to a $10,000/year increase, you're looking at a projected FY2011 cost of *roughly* $440,000 per graduate.

Again, the only official number in the above paragraph is $349,327 for FY2002. The rest is purely extrapolation on my part, and it's likely that my estimate is *way* off.:thumb:
From A West Point presentation dated 2009:

2.b. Benefits: A West Point cadetship includes a fully funded four‐year college education that confers a Bachelor’s of Science Degree. Tuition, room, board, and medical and dental care are provided by the U.S. Army. As members of the Armed Forces, cadets also receive an annual salary of more than $6,500, which covers the cost of uniforms, books, a personal computer, and living incidentals. Upon enrollment, Soldiers are separated from Active Duty, USAR, or the ARNG. Total value of education and training is about $450,000.
In the past - you would see that figure range from $400,000-$450,000.
That was for everything. Education AND training.
Recently, WP has decided NOT to include the training expense in the 'WP education value' figure.
That brings the value down to $202,000. That is the figure that we as FFRs are guided to use when we present an appointment at an awards ceremony. The wording is 'academic scholarship'.
So - it really depends on what kind of 'value' figure your school is looking for. Total is $400,000-ish but to keep on par with the other scholarships that the students in your class are getting, the education value of WP is $202,000.
Your classmates with scholarships don't get to play with expensive toys, rappel/jump out of helicopters/airplanes, shoot guns, etc.
They 'just' get tuition and if they're lucky - room and board. :wink:
Plus the load of cash that DCA spends on us. The pipes and drums can claim a small mint to our names with the amount we raise and spend per year on travel and gear....