Virginia Tech Basketball Coach does it right with National Anthem


5-Year Member
Nov 24, 2014
May have already seen this, but I thought it was impressive. As March madness gets ready to take off, hats off to Va Tech Coach Williams. Good luck Hokies in tough conference.

“Basketball Coach Buzz Williams of Virginia Tech was disappointed with the overall state of respect among college basketball players. He had noticed for years that most college players would not pay attention during the National Anthem.”
Saw the write up and video this morning. Great reporting and a great Coach. Wish they had done it with the seats full.
Interesting. Might have meant more if it were preceded by a short video of how they acted prior to the talk. I must say, I would expect anything less at an SMC though. BZ.
I'm glad the coach took the time. The Va Tech corps is small compared to the size of the undergrad student body. About 1000 in the corps, 24,000+ undergrads. I don't think any of the current members in the Va Tech basketball team are in the corps, so hard to hold them to the SMC standard. High marks to the coach to involve some of the corps members and to educate his team.