Vision DQs Revisited


10-Year Member
Sep 12, 2006
I posted my original question in another thread (in case you need to refer to it - here

My son's DodMERB has been updated online with additional information ( see below) and I can see that a corresondence has been sent.
Correspondence - Single Disqualification: 09/19/2006

My question is - what does the R250.10 and R250.20 mean? I assume the academies are reviewing to determine if they will issue a waiver. But will they wait until we submit rebuttal for the vision problems?
Also why is D257.70 been added to the Naval status and not the Coast Guard?
I also assume we wait to address the R222.00 until someone asks for it??

Agency: US Naval Academy Sub Agency:
Current Medical Status: Pending Waiver Submission/Review

R222.00 - Obtain a scoliosis study, to include Cobb measurements
R250.10 - Pending waiver review by USNA
R251.00 - Incomplete or illegible DD Form 2351
D155.41 - Distant visual acuity not correctable to 20/20 in each eye
D257.70 - Unaided distant visual acuity worse than 20/40

Agency: US Coast Guard Academy Sub Agency:
Current Medical Status: Pending Waiver Submission/Review

R222.00 - Obtain a scoliosis study, to include Cobb measurements
R250.20 - Pending waiver review by USCGA
R251.00 - Incomplete or illegible DD Form 2351
D155.41 - Distant visual acuity not correctable to 20/20 in each eye

The D257.70 is a soft disqualification for the Naval Academy only. If there were no other disqualifications your son would have been in a remedial status for USNA.

The R250.xx codes are there for the automated forwarding of your son's package to the wavier authorities. Feel free to submit a rebuttal for the disqualification, even if the wavier authorities are quick and grant the waiver, if DoDMERB has enough information to remove the disqualification they still will and it won't mess up the wavier authorities at all.

For the outstanding remedials (R222.00 and R251.00) once the disqualification has been removed with a rebuttal or the waiver has been granted then DoDMERB will send a letter with those remedials attached.