Hello all: a question regarding submitting the Wait List Request form. Last week DS awarded a 4 year NROTC scholarship placed at his first choice school, which is a "reach" for him. Anticipating that he may not be accepted at this school, he is considering submitting the wait list request form, selecting 3 other schools where his odds of admission are better, and he's considering doing that now because he believes it advantageous to get on the wait list early. Here's the question: If he submits the wait list request form now, and does nothing else, is it possible his scholarship will be transferred to the wait list school, with the result that he loses his spot at his first choice school? Or would there need to be a second action on his part (e.g. submitting the "Placement Change Request Form") to actually effect a transfer of his scholarship from his "reach" school, to his new "wait list" school once he's notified of an open spot at the wait list unit?
On this topic, the email from NROTC Placement says: "Submitting a wait list request DOES NOT remove you from the school at which you were originally assigned. If for any reason you are unable to be moved from one of the wait lists, your scholarship will remain at your assigned school." The first sentence seems clear enough - he won't lose his placement -but the second sentence concerns me; it suggests that if there is a spot open in one of the wait list schools, he may be switched without any further action on his part, and if switched, he loses his placement at his assigned school. Trying to avoid a situation where he submits a Wait List Request, he's placed at one of those wait list schools, and later we learn he gets into his reach school, but has lost his placement there. (Obviously, we can avoid this by waiting to April 1 when the "reach school" posts its decisions, but worried about getting shut out of the other Units where he's applied). Sorry for the long-winded question, and thanks for any replies.
On this topic, the email from NROTC Placement says: "Submitting a wait list request DOES NOT remove you from the school at which you were originally assigned. If for any reason you are unable to be moved from one of the wait lists, your scholarship will remain at your assigned school." The first sentence seems clear enough - he won't lose his placement -but the second sentence concerns me; it suggests that if there is a spot open in one of the wait list schools, he may be switched without any further action on his part, and if switched, he loses his placement at his assigned school. Trying to avoid a situation where he submits a Wait List Request, he's placed at one of those wait list schools, and later we learn he gets into his reach school, but has lost his placement there. (Obviously, we can avoid this by waiting to April 1 when the "reach school" posts its decisions, but worried about getting shut out of the other Units where he's applied). Sorry for the long-winded question, and thanks for any replies.