Waiting on USNA decision and NROTC application?


Mar 3, 2017
We are still CPR in USNA portal assuming that they are waiting for DoDMERB AMI remedial clearance over something that happened at ages 3 and 4. But we are also waiting on NROTC scholarship application status which says "No Decision Has Been Made" I am getting worried about Plan C and need to make a deposit to a school so we don't run out of options. If NROTC comes through, it could be any one of five schools. Any advice?
When we were in that situation, we went ahead and made the deposit. We considered it insurance. Turned out that it was a good decision since DS was turned down last year. If he had received the appointment, we would have lost the deposit but just considered it part of the process.

Same boat this year. DS will have to register for his sophomore year at college while waiting for word from USNA.
We are still CPR in USNA portal assuming that they are waiting for DoDMERB AMI remedial clearance over something that happened at ages 3 and 4. But we are also waiting on NROTC scholarship application status which says "No Decision Has Been Made" I am getting worried about Plan C and need to make a deposit to a school so we don't run out of options. If NROTC comes through, it could be any one of five schools. Any advice?
Please don't take this the wrong way, I'm honestly curious. What are your reasons for assuming that you're still CPR because of a remedial? Were you given an LOA?
Son is still pending review for USNA, USAFA and no decision has been made / reboarded for AFROTC and NROTC scholarships. We have summed up his purgatory existence right now to be like "They don't know if they want you but they don't want to break up with you. " Thank goodness DS has a good sense of humor and puts up with my terrible analogies.
We are still CPR in USNA portal assuming that they are waiting for DoDMERB AMI remedial clearance over something that happened at ages 3 and 4. But we are also waiting on NROTC scholarship application status which says "No Decision Has Been Made" I am getting worried about Plan C and need to make a deposit to a school so we don't run out of options. If NROTC comes through, it could be any one of five schools. Any advice?
Please don't take this the wrong way, I'm honestly curious. What are your reasons for assuming that you're still CPR because of a remedial? Were you given an LOA?
No offense taken. We don't know why we are still CPR but we are. The USNA portal does say that it is waiting for the updated medical as a requirement. No, we weren't given a LOA but we also don't have a TWE either. Under CPR, it says Required Actions: Complete Medical Qualification Exam. DoDMERB is also still pending and it seems to take 10-14 days for them to update each time. It may mean nothing but it's still out there. I suppose that it could be rejected without Complete Medical Qualification Exam but so far it hasn't so I was curious if anyone else had the same situation.
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Son is still pending review for USNA, USAFA and no decision has been made / reboarded for AFROTC and NROTC scholarships. We have summed up his purgatory existence right now to be like "They don't know if they want you but they don't want to break up with you. " Thank goodness DS has a good sense of humor and puts up with my terrible analogies.
Well said and I love your sense of humor!
Son is still pending review for USNA, USAFA and no decision has been made / reboarded for AFROTC and NROTC scholarships. We have summed up his purgatory existence right now to be like "They don't know if they want you but they don't want to break up with you. " Thank goodness DS has a good sense of humor and puts up with my terrible analogies.
Well said and I love your sense of humor!

Thank you! Trying to have a sense of humor about everything. If we sit and over analyze everything we will just drive ourselves bananas. Son and I had this talk last night. He was second guessing EVERYTHING last night... whether he had edited his essays enough, thinking about every interview, what he wore and if his shoes were shined. He was doubting his responses and just questioning all he has done and whether it was enough. I had to tell him that "It is what it is and whatever happens happens." Then mommy had a big bowl of BlueBell ice cream, a glass of wine and got on this forum where I could read posts from other parents through the exact same thing as me!
in the same boat here! still CPR and wondering why.. would just prefer resolution one way or another so that we can move onto plan B. the only consolation might be that if the TWE is received so late in the process, the wait between the receipt of TWE and the opening of the portal for the class of 2022 will be a short one!
We are still CPR in USNA portal assuming that they are waiting for DoDMERB AMI remedial clearance over something that happened at ages 3 and 4. But we are also waiting on NROTC scholarship application status which says "No Decision Has Been Made" I am getting worried about Plan C and need to make a deposit to a school so we don't run out of options. If NROTC comes through, it could be any one of five schools. Any advice?
not sure whether you were looking for any advice as to which school to make a deposit to, I would say make a deposit to the first one on your list of Plan B/C. Once NROTC scholarship is received, it usually can be requested to be transferred to another school.
I applied to the marine option NROTC scholarship and the results came out for me recently (didn't get it btw). The scholarship results should come out soon for navy applicants.
not sure whether you were looking for any advice as to which school to make a deposit to, I would say make a deposit to the first one on your list of Plan B/C. Once NROTC scholarship is received, it usually can be requested to be transferred to another school.

Yes, that is exactly what I was looking for. DD has been accepted to her top schools in the Engineering programs but because we are still waiting on USNA and NROTC, I wasn't sure what to do regarding making a deposit. We will go ahead and make the deposit as insurance. Thanks so much!
Yes, I would make a deposit to your top engineering school. Not hearing but this point from USNA isn't a great sign (we are in the same boat), notwithstanding the wave of TWEs that just came out. I am suspecting there will be another wave of TWE around April 15th or earlier, followed by a waitlisting and a few candidates will be appointed off of that. Having a deposit at a school will give you a piece of mind, and I would personally prioritize top engineering school over the school where NROTC scholarship is placed and then see if you can transfer the NROTC scholarship, if awarded.
All of the schools that she applied to have NROTC programs so hopefully it will come together one way or another. She does have some heavy duty Navy support and connections locally who have advised us through the process so if it doesn't happen this year, she has a much better shot next year and is fully prepared to reapply. She knew the end game going in and one of her friends just got an appointment as a college reapplicant from the same university that she plans on attending. We are extremely grateful to those who have sent or called with personal recommendations and are willing to do so again. It's just a painful process.
I thought most deposits are not due till May 1. You will have your SA and ROTC decision before then.
That's true but it's sometimes desirable to get a deposit in earlier for purposes of dorm selection... but I'm sure that varies from school to school and the important thing is getting in. Hell, you can live anywhere for a year!
Same here -- CPR for USNA, USAFA, and NROTC. Wait listed at USCGA. Awarded Type 7 by AFROTC, but turned it down. Waiting game. Side note -- we heard that it "may" help our DS find his way off the wait list if we visit the USCGA this Spring.
We are still CPR in USNA portal assuming that they are waiting for DoDMERB AMI remedial clearance over something that happened at ages 3 and 4. But we are also waiting on NROTC scholarship application status which says "No Decision Has Been Made" I am getting worried about Plan C and need to make a deposit to a school so we don't run out of options. If NROTC comes through, it could be any one of five schools. Any advice?
Please don't take this the wrong way, I'm honestly curious. What are your reasons for assuming that you're still CPR because of a remedial? Were you given an LOA?
No offense taken. We don't know why we are still CPR but we are. The USNA portal does say that it is waiting for the updated medical as a requirement. No, we weren't given a LOA but we also don't have a TWE either. Under CPR, it says Required Actions: Complete Medical Qualification Exam. DoDMERB is also still pending and it seems to take 10-14 days for them to update each time. It may mean nothing but it's still out there. I suppose that it could be rejected without Complete Medical Qualification Exam but so far it hasn't so I was curious if anyone else had the same situation.

Our DS is also CPR in USNA Portal and USAFA. Still nothing yet. He also needed a AMI by USNA and USAFA (and a couple more AMIs for USAFA). His USNA portal also stated Needed Actions: Complete Medical Qualification Exam. As soon as the AMI was received, it was changed to None. It took about 10 days for a change in the Portal from the time we submitted the needed documents. I did ask DD's admissions officer about the AMI as I was concerned that his application wouldn't be reviewed until the AMI was received as DoDMERB has 30 days to complete the review and perhaps the USNA class of 2021 would be complete prior to DS being found Medically Qualified. She stated that DS's application would be reviewed even without the AMI and any appointment offer would be contingent upon being found medically qualified. I know this doesn't help your question about what to do, but perhaps it does as it relates to the AMI. In a nutshell, USNA isn't waiting on the AMI to review applications.