Waitlist Tracker for End game TWE or Appointments

This question will bring the thread off topic (forgive me) but I’ll ask anyways:

How does an incoming plebe get turned away on I Day? Is it obvious stuff like broken arm or leg?
I believe it was the Alumni Foundation's video on Plebe summer, but when I rewatched it recently, one shot showed a Plebe in his room with a boot and crutches.
I believe it was the Alumni Foundation's video on Plebe summer, but when I rewatched it recently, one shot showed a Plebe in his room with a boot and crutches.
There are many "broken" plebes (on crutches and boots) during the course of plebe summer. the most important thing an appointee can do right now is start running consistently every day. And be able to run 7-8 mile long runs by I-day. My experience with i-day USNA 2012, a few plebes got sent home because of either appendicitis, sprained shoulder, or simply unable to perform during i-day (which involved a lot of running around w/a full sea bag of newly issued uniforms/shoes. At USMMA i-day 2016, two plebes had to have supplemental oxygen after all the detailers had them run around the campus. They sent home that afternoon.
They also breathalyze all incoming Plebes. Plebes have actually arrived in various states of inebriation before, and have been turned away. Besides being illegal for most candidates because of their age, one is not allowed to take the oath under the influence of alcohol - or any controlled substance that isn't prescribed by a Doctor and cleared with DoDMERB - for that matter.
> How times have changed... I didn't even know what a breathalyzer was in the early 80s.. I'm sure I didn't check in "under the influence," but pretty sure that I had a beer or more the night before . (Yes, it was legal, and I spent the year prior drinking in Newport (at NAPS). I do recall the detailers weighing us every week during Plebe summer, and I lost enough weight to catch their attention..when asked why I lost X pounds, I told the Detailer that I hadn't had a beer in 6 weeks, and he laughed. I also recall one time, not sure whether it was during NAPS induce or Plebe Summer, where the Detailer was was pretty hung over.
I remember taking a breathalyzer on I Day. And we did get weighed each week. We all had lost so much weight it caught a lot of leadership’s attention. A few other items happened and 3 of our 4 detailers were actually relieved. To the current appointees and parents, don’t worry they eat plenty. They made some modifications at meals (which I think are good) years ago to help with this. Some Plebes gain weight plebe summer and others lose it. Every Plebe is different.

I have worked I Day many times in the last few years. Every year I see 1-2 kids and their parents talking with admissions and getting told next year and handed an LOA. Usually it’s because of a late injury. They have them report for I Day and the doctors take a thorough look to see how much healing is left, how much can they participate in Plebe Summer, etc. I have seen them even send kids for x rays to get a fresh look at the bones to make a decision. Admissions knew of these cases ahead of time. I had a company mate blow out his knee day 1 of PEP. He got an LOA and came back the next year. Again, it’s all rare things.