kgrmom, and all others that I may have seemed a little short to in the past couple of weeks.
I have to apologize, as with anyone else, life has its twists and turns. Work, family, finances, whatever it is, can sometimes jump in and put extra pressures on one and sometimes cause that person to become an ogre for a bit. That has been me for the past couple of weeks.
I realize that the DoDMERB section has taken on a life of its own. There is a ton of information here, and it can be difficult to sort through it and try to make sense of it all when it comes to your particular case. Its even difficult for me to go through and find some of my old posts.
I have been meaning to do a FAQ of some of the most often asked questions about DoDMERB and the waiver process, but have not been able to find the time. I should have the time in the next month to get one done.
I have tried to answer questions as quickly as possible for the applicants and parents, as I understand this is very important, and in this world of "I want it, and I want it now" (of which I'm as guilty as anyone) I feel the need to provide an answer as quickly, and accurately, as possible. This is a volunteer position, so I still need to put food on the table, and there are deadlines at work that I need to meet, travel that needs to be done, and I still enjoy spending time with my family.
So there may be times where I don't/can't write a novel, yet I still want to get an answer out to the applicant/parent a quickly as possible. I'm really not a ogre (most of the time), so please don't ever be afraid to post. Also feel free to send me a PM if you feel that I've been a little short with you or someone else.
Thanks for listening!!