I read earlier on this forum about how a weak high school will be seen by the admissions panel and that choosing the easy classes is bad. Well I have a question... What if the only classes available were "easy". I am #1 rank of 113 in my class and I have a perfect 4.0. I have never received anything lower than an A, not even an A-. However, my school is very uncompetitive. I scored a 29 and a 30 on my ACTs as a junior, the #2 in my class [of 113] scored a 19 on the ACTs. The highest score in my class besides mine was a 25 [rank #4]. I played Football, Wrestling, Tennis for 4 years, I made NHS my Sophomore year. This year I am a highly active member of stuco, FFA Chapter President, and most likely NHS President. I attended Boys State where I became a Senator and I attended Student Council Nationals over the summer along with leadership camp and FFA state conference. My weaknesses besides the weak academics at my school are: No Yearbook [I applied, but I was "too busy with other goals" to be accepted], No Class Office [ran for 3 years, but lost], No Music [not offered], No Boy Scouts/JROTC [not available in the community]. Will I be looked at unfavorably because I came from a weaker community/school or will I be looked at good because I exceeded so far past my co-students? Thanks for your help.
Sr. Year Schedule:
Weight Training [2 period/w.r.] [3 years]
Physics [4 years of science]
Calc. 2 [4 years of math]
Honors College Prep English 4 [3 years of honors english+1 reg.]
Agriscience 3 [4 years of Agriculture for FFA]
American Government/Economics [3 Years of Civics/ 2 Spanish/ 1 Art]
Sr. Year Schedule:
Weight Training [2 period/w.r.] [3 years]
Physics [4 years of science]
Calc. 2 [4 years of math]
Honors College Prep English 4 [3 years of honors english+1 reg.]
Agriscience 3 [4 years of Agriculture for FFA]
American Government/Economics [3 Years of Civics/ 2 Spanish/ 1 Art]