DS has his heart set on the USAFA. He is near top of class, Eagle Scout, Class officer, Boys State, multiple robotics and engineering teams, varsity and club athlete, all the required and also lots of extra stuff. He could be a D3 player in his sport, but maybe not D1. We are from one of the small, highly competitive, states in the Northeast. I recently learned that two players from our county (not just our state!) have pre-committed to USAFA for their sport. What does that mean for my DS's chances of getting a MOC nom or an appointment? Do the committed players automatically get preference for a nomination and/or an appointment? How involved are the USAFA coaches in advocating that their picks are "first in line" so to speak? I might add that DS does not fit into any DEI category nor does our family have a military background (other than being drafted for the big wars in the past). It seems like there are so few spots that could go to someone from our small state under normal circumstances. Add to that, if two spots are already taken by sports recruits, is it correct to assume that my DS, with all his other accolades, may not have a spot available to even compete for? Can someone confirm if my assessment is correct or if I'm not looking at this correctly? Thanks!