You cannot get into your on-line file once you become a candidate. When your guidance counselor submits their paperwork, they also submit a transcript which will includ your SAT/ACT.
It is best when you sign up to have the scores sent directly, also remember that your MOC's have test numbers, and some may ask that you have them sent directly to them.(one of our Sen., asked for that to occur) That is far down the road, but you might look it into now depending on what state you are from. In NC the MOC's meet in Dec/Jan, so they are one of the latest to give out noms, but places like PA/GA/CO are earlier, their interviews are in Nov., thus you will have less time to re-take to get your scores to them. Even if you have an early nom process, still keep taking the SAT b./c the AFA will keep updating until Mar. If you look at the avg scores you need to be above 1250 to feel comfortable (my opinion only)
My suggestion is the only thing any class of 13 needs to do, is take the SAT in April, May, June (or how often they are giving them). Take the ACT, you might score higher, in that case they will take the ACT scores over the SAT.
Talk to your guidance counselor, and your two teachers that you want recs from. Get their email accts, because you send to the AFA their email address, and they send in your infor that way. This will allow everything to be done as soon as you get back in the fall. Talk to you PE teacher and ask them if during the summer (only do the CFA in the summer if you can hit it out of the park ---@10-15 pull-ups, 70-100 BB, 95+ sit-ups, 80 push-ups, 8-9 shuttle, >7 min mi) if the coach can give you a CFA...remember soccer and football practice at the end of the summer. Without a doubt spend the summer practicing the CFA, it is a test you want to "study" for, especially if you don't play sports. Our ALO explained that one of the fears that the AFA has about kids who don't have sports in their file, is that when they get to the AFA they won't make it throught BCT because of the altitude. You can download the CFA off their site
If folks are military, you can get the pres. anytime, if you have the file complete early, and have an LOA you can have an appt by early fall with a pres.
Had Bullet and I known that our DS was going to change his mind and put the AFA at the top of his list, we would have had everything done by Sept. Alas, DS wanted Notre Dame until Aug., so we spent more energy on setting him with AFROTC and Notre Dame, when he changed his mind, school was closed, and so we had to wait until he got back to school to get the paperwork, and CFA going, thus his file was not submitted until mid-dec (when they were on break).
Remember you will not be the only one asking for stuff from teachers and gc's. Since the AFA state their files close Mar. 1, the GC and teachgers prioritize, kids trying for EA to a university, needs their fils completed by Oct.1, if your school returns @ Sept 5th, the administration puts that higher on the list. By knowing this in the summer and you become an applicant, teachers will be contacted early, and you might have it done faster.