What is the last date for an acceptable SAT test?


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Nov 2, 2008
Was it the December 6th one or do they accept the January one also?
i would think that if they make appointments all the way through april that any SAT before march could help your file.
USCGA is only accepting tests in January... so the Jan 24th SAT is good, but the Feb 7th ACT is not good (from the mail sent)..

I had seen on NROTC that they except tests thru the end of December only.

But I am not sure if they all do the same dates or not.. They should have info on their sites..
From the Admissions Prospectus at http://admissions.usma.edu/prospectus/step_06.cfm:
DEADLINE: Candidates should check with their Guidance Office for the dates and deadlines for the ACT and the SAT examinations. The final date for taking the ACT for admission to the next West Point class is normally the scheduled February ACT examination. The final date for taking the SAT examination is normally the January SAT test date.