LET 2013 RING!!!!! KP Parents, Alumni and All Concerned Please Read

This is not civil disobedience nor has the USMMA been a "hotbed" of civil disobedience. At worst ... military disobedience and certainly more properly, the hijinks of the past and of the future at KP could be termed "testing the system". It will continue as long as young people attend and have spirit. Most parents have dealt with their growing children frequently testing the system at home and in high school.

Bell ringing has been a tradition for many years and mostly with midshipmen in uniform, the uniform in which they took the first license examination.

As for the USNA plebes scaling the greased Herndon, there was a failed effort to eliminate this tradition in the "interests of safety" a few years ago.
It will be a tremendous disappointment to see one of the few great traditions at KP tossed by the wayside because you have 2 people in key leadership positions with absolutely no connection to USMMA other than it's another job for them. Let the bell ringing go on as it has in the past without muster and formation albeit in uniform and certainly let's all hope they steer clear of the change of command rush to the pool. We could certainly use a KP stakeholder at the helm that understands what it is to be a Kings Pointer.
Busby is retiring in May from MSC..he would be a great fit for KP as it's leader and it's traditions:thumb:
Tankercaptain was that request refused recently?

If you are in the know you know it's not going to happen. RADM Buzby discussed it with Matsuda. RADM Buzby made the stipulation that if he took the position that he's be able to run the school without being micromanaged. Matsuda basically said good luck with that. I do know RADM Buzby has said that "If they fired Phil, then they'd fire me"
The superintendent's job is rumored to be RADM Buzby's dream job. With that being said we can hope that Matsuda moves on and RADM Buzby takes over MARAD.
That's BULL, and shame on any of the M/N that follow their rules. Too much work has gone in to getting to that point in your life not to be able to follow a tradition that is older than most members of the A-Hole NON-KP administration. If you read the email, it states to follow tradition, that's permission to do it the KP way!

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Do you guys realize this is a PUBLIC forum openly available to everyone in the world and permanently recorded? This is not your own private playground. There is a right way to do things and a wrong way. Some incredibly poor decision making going on here. Perhaps the curriculum should be upgraded to include some leadership classes.

You my friend are an idiot, and obviously NOT a KP alum, and have no idea about the curriculum or the kind of leaders produced by the school!
I have to say as a 2013 midshipman and a setback from 2012 I have been looking forward to the bell ringing since i first watched the class of 09 run out of the academic buildings to be bell in the oval to signify the release. It gave me hope that this place isn't impossible to get through that I can do it. As mentioned before its the spontaneity of the event that makes it so special. Its hard to explain the feeling to some one who hasn't seen it or experienced it. I have been looking forward to ringing that bell to feel that elation and sense of accomplishment for all five years i have been here.

It has been that beacon of hope that has helped me get through here and in one fell swoop that beacon is gone. Yes graduation and working is still a good motivation for passing license, but I'll be honest it became a little harder and made this place a little harder to deal with. and for those who say you can still just ring the bell on your own time or they are still letting you ring the bell, the bell ringing isn't the point, it the spontaneous atmosphere of reading off your grades for license and running right after to the oval and that sense of release and relief.

And the command staff wonders why there is a moral problem here at Kings Point.

Rally your fellow M/N. you have the power to affect change!!
This is good stuff! But I think the regiment has to rise up and NOT the parents.


(I know I'm not a KPer)... but if midshipmen hate this new policy, why don't they all not ring the bell.... and then ring it later at the non-designated time?

I was a 2/c cadet in an constitutional law class at CGA. There were also 1/c in the class and one 3/c (a rather idiotic 3/c who would not graduate two year later). After a number of week the seating just fell into place. It wasn't "assigned"...but people sat in the same spot.

Then one day the 3/c sits in a 1/c's seat. The 1/c came in and said "you're in my seat 3/c BLAH". The 3/c said "there aren't assigned seats" and the conversation started with basically evolved into the entire class saying "3/c move".

In comes Commander XXXX, we came to attention and the commander says "seats" But no one sits. The commander looks up after about 5 seconds, at the entire class standing... and he says "um, what's going on"

Someone says "3/c XXXX is in the wrong seat."

The commander looked over, "3/c XXXX move."

Problem solved, everyone sat.

If the midshipmen don't want to ring the bell under these conditions, and there is a tradition of light civil disobedience....then why don't all the members of the class go to the formation, but no one ring the bell? Then go back together, later, and ring the bell. Heck, want to make a real statement, ring it at night, loud and proud.

Now THAT would be a story to tell 20 years down the road.

I watch the video and it was good to see people so excited. :thumb:

The most incite full thing shared on this whole thread.
If any midshipman should read this my suggestion to their class would be that the night before the results are posted that they all individually log on to



The results should be posted on the homeport website that night or at least by 0700 that morning. Once they found out they passed they all go out and ring the bell the that night or that morning before colors.

That's my two cents.
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If any midshipman should read this my suggestion to their class would be that the night before the results are posted that they all individually log on to



The results should be posted on the homeport website that night or at least by 0700 that morning. Once they found out they passed they all go out and ring the bell the that night or that morning before colors.

That's my two cents.

And film it!