AROTC Board 2

28 super score, multiple varsity letter winner football and lacrosse. Lacrosse team captain, 3.35 unweighted gpa, several AP classes, life guard, worked summer jobs, nearly maxed fitness tests. Attended Marine Corps SLCDA camp. Awarded 3 year on the 2nd board. I thought my interview went well, it was short and to the point. Wanted to put this out there as a baseline reference. I really appreciated it when I was scouring the boards trying to figure out how I stacked up relative to others. It’s a lot of voodoo and reading tea leaves on who gets selected.
Same here with my 30. What is everyone who is a winner stats?

You'll drive yourself nuts trying to figure this stuff out. My DD has a 31 ACT, 4.0 GPA, 4 year Varsity Soccer (3 year captain), ranked 4/156 in class, numerous extra curricular activities including a part-time job. She applied both Air Force and Army. Air Force interview went terrible (her words) and the Army interview was much better. She got the AFROTC scholarship first board back in November yet is still B/UC for AROTC now through two boards. There's no real rhyme or reason to it, you just have to work hard and do your best.
My son changed to winner in Texas - 4 year scholarship to Texas A&M University. So thankful he has one more shot at a tough medical waiver. NROTC scholarship 4 year winner but denied medical waiver so that one is already in the toilet. USNA approved medical waiver and waiting to hear about appointment.

Congratulations to the winners and to the others wishing you the best on the 3rd board. I am so proud of all the young people on this board for their desire to serve. Gig 'em!
Such good news- my son got awarded a 3 year scholarship today!!! But it wasn’t for his top choice school where he has been admitted Early Decision.

He is going to American University- anyone know what are his odds they will let him transfer it? Process?
My son sits as Boarded/ UC still which is obviously disappointing, but he is also attending American University. Plan B if no offer with 3rd board is to enroll in Military Science, get involved with the Batallion, and earn a 2-3 year campus based ROTC scholarship. My husband was a APMS for 4 years and awarded several scholarships every year - this is an option for all those on this thread who don’t get a National offer.
My son changed to winner in Texas - 4 year scholarship to Texas A&M University. So thankful he has one more shot at a tough medical waiver. NROTC scholarship 4 year winner but denied medical waiver so that one is already in the toilet. USNA approved medical waiver and waiting to hear about appointment.

Congratulations to the winners and to the others wishing you the best on the 3rd board. I am so proud of all the young people on this board for their desire to serve. Gig 'em!
Our DSs are in the same boat regarding waivers. How does DoDMERB get triggered at this point and then the ensuing waiver requested? How did that work for NROTC? And, I thought USNA only requested waivers if they wanted a kid?! I hope your son is good to go!
28 Superscore, 3.7 GPA, Club President, Student Government, JROTC Battalion Commander, Varsity Letter, 3 year competing member on Raiders, 3 year academic team member, 5:28 mile, 54 pushups, 59 crunches, and a stellar interview. The competition must be fierce this year. I’m worried about getting anything at all.
For those who have been updated to a Winner status there is still work to be done. First congratulations to all those who received a scholarship offer and hang in there to those still waiting.

Next up comes the Dodmerb hurdle, start getting all your medical ducks in a row. You would be surprised what can trigger a DQ or a Remedial. Make sure you have a good handle on your medical history so you can get things filled out and set your appointments as soon as possible. This will leave you time if there are any speed bumps along the way.

Make sure you continue to work out and keep doing push ups and sit ups. Look up what the Army regulations are for both and follow it closely. Keep running, especially if this is a week point, make sure you can meet the required time for the 2 mile run. Every year there are more perspective cadets that fail their first APFT which delays the tuition payment and pits a hold on any stipend until you pass and contract, and it's not paid retro active.

Right now you are still a perspective cadet, the same as anyone joining ROTC with or without a scholarship. You still have to complete medical, the APFT, fill out a load of paperwork, complete a 104R, and get contracted by the Battalion before you become a contracted cadet.

Enjoy this moment but just be aware that you have just left the blocks and have a ways to go before you finish the race.
As @Jcleppe mentioned above. The award of the scholarship is the 1st step. DODMERB is next. There have been recent posts regarding empowering your DS/DD to complete this process on their own. PLEASE make sure that you (parents) review the DODMERB questionnaire and make sure that your DS/DD are not self diagnosing medical conditions. Review it numerous times before hitting submit. Read the FAQs on the DODMERB site. Be informed and be thorough!
27 composite
Excellent scores in physical fitness
2 Varsity letters; 1 Academic letter
6 clubs, President of 2
Multiple school and community awards
Volunteering 200 hours
Research Assistant last summer for Professor
Good grades- 3.78 GPA

I think he interviewed fantastically and he is pretty committed to joining. He is a military kid so he knows the life and wrote about that a bit in his essays, which were also very good. He really is a good kid.
Seeing that there is such a broad range of ACT/SAT scores among the winners appears to support that the interview carries a lot of importance and weight for the OML ranking.
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What do you do if you win a 3-year scholarship?! I just saw that I won one and have no clue what to do next.
For those asking for stats, its great to compare but remember you are more than a score/GPA/transcript. A word to all current juniors and below, pick something you're passionate about and build on it. My DS is a swimmer and is very passionate about service to people. He became a lifeguard(beach) and is part of the board for the regional swim committee. Sure the numbers might be there and the class rigor is there, but ultimatly when you commission you are not gonna tell the people you lead that you had a 33 act/4.0 GPA. Be passionate about something outside of school and build on it. Don't "check the boxes". If you're passionate it will show in the interview and on paper. Good luck!
Such good news- my son got awarded a 3 year scholarship today!!! But it wasn’t for his top choice school where he has been admitted Early Decision.

He is going to American University- anyone know what are his odds they will let him transfer it? Process?

Congratulations! But isn’t ED binding? So if the scholarship doesn’t transfer will he lose it?
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DS portal updated!! Winner !! 4 year scholarship to VMI, CItadel or University of Mississippi. This is amazing!!
His stats are
3.4 GPA ( goes to a academically advanced school, they do not rank, 32 Supersore ACT ( M28, ScI 30, Reading 33, English 36) CC varsity 4 years/ 2 year team captain, Track 4 year varsity , Captain distance, Eagle Scout with Palms, has stayed involved with troop Eagled at 16 and worked with younger kids, Life guard, School Ambassador , Praise band at church. I think he interviews well.
DS portal updated!! Winner !! 4 year scholarship to VMI, CItadel or University of Mississippi. This is amazing!!
His stats are
3.4 GPA ( goes to a academically advanced school, they do not rank, 32 Supersore ACT ( M28, ScI 30, Reading 33, English 36) CC varsity 4 years/ 2 year team captain, Track 4 year varsity , Captain distance, Eagle Scout with Palms, has stayed involved with troop Eagled at 16 and worked with younger kids, Life guard, School Ambassador , Praise band at church. I think he interviews well.
Great job - Congrats to you and your DS. The hard part starts. Celebrate and read as much as you can on the DODMERB process..