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  • rocatlin,

    I am writing to tell you about a Navy engineering camp in California, have you heard of the Society of American Military Engineers (S.A.M.E.) summer camps? our son applied for their Navy camp for this summer which is held in CA, but he has since had another opportunity come up. when he emailed this week to tell the sponsoring Chapter in OKC about his conflict, she asked if he knew of any others in OK interested in going. If you are interested, I can give you her email. the camp is July 21-27 I think or that week anyway. hope this helps you or someone you know!
    Hello! glad you wrote me. I am fairly familiar with Buffalo actually :) We live outside of Arnett, which is one hour south. I work in Buffalo one day a month at the hospital, there are some great folks up there!! What grade is your son in school? thanks for writing!!
    Ruth Ann
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