Search results

  1. N

    Graduating on time and Commission

    I didn’t pass one of my major courses and the professor may not do an independent study which will push me back. I’m struggling a little bit with naval science I’m getting help on that. I just feel a little lost. I am not on scholarship just contracted. And because of that failed course on...
  2. N

    Graduating on time and Commission

    What if you are short a class or two and won’t graduate on to time. Does this me you cannot commission. Do some commission in fall or spring in their 5th year
  3. N

    GPA after Swearing in

    Already have advanced standing and sworn in. I am a junior.
  4. N

    GPA after Swearing in

    There is no scholarship just contracted.
  5. N

    GPA after Swearing in

    Once sworn in to NROTC (no scholarship) does 2.5 GPA still play a role. Can you be unsworn in if that is even term?
  6. N

    Chance of Denial

    Mass. Haven’t seen anyone in Mass but not everyone comes here
  7. N

    Chance of Denial

    GPA 3.12 passed CFA two nominations passed DodMerb SAT 600 math 580 No AP classes
  8. N


    Whew at 2.56 for this semester. I should be OK I hope.
  9. N


    I was contracted beginning of August. My GPA for the semester spring of Sophomore year was below minimum 2.5 as required. My GPA is above that. I was put on academic probation (I have not sworn it because of the probation). Other than one class which the NRTOC knows about I have been busting...
  10. N

    NROTC Academic Probation - HELP!!

    NROTC Academic Probation - HELP!!
  11. N

    Sudden status change to does not meet medical standards

    Very annoyed that I am still waiting on waiver. I can't even get sworn in until I get the damn thing. Not to mention I have to take a class and lab which add to my already booked scheduled and I play a varsity sport. If I am not getting waiver then please why don't they tell me. I am a...
  12. N

    Sudden status change to does not meet medical standards

    I am being told all it means the information was uploaded to waiver authority and waiting for a decision.
  13. N

    Sudden status change to does not meet medical standards

    So my status went from Awaiting Waiver Requested Remedial Response to now Pending Waiver Review/Submission. How???
  14. N

    How did status go backwards!!!

    Frustrated to say the least. My status after the DQ went to Pending Waiver Review/Submission. Then to Awaiting Waiver Requested Remedial Response. We sent all the docs in now status says Pending Waiver Review/Submission again. What does this mean????
  15. N

    Do they ever not send!!

    My understanding once DoDMerb DQ's then your file goes to waiver authority and they ask for records. However I found out today DoDMerb gets records and DoDMerb reviews again then to waiver authority. Can DoDMerb not send records to waiver authority. I mean they are ones that DQ. This process as...
  16. N

    Why, Why, Why different remedial

    I guess there is a letter being sent as of today which appears to have some different remedial codes. Why can't they ask for everything at once. I think it has nothing to do with the original remedial request and original issue. The code is R251.22 and on Dodmerb can't find what the remedial...
  17. N

    DodMerb doesn't recognize

    I have used my username and password multiple times and multiple times a day to look for status. Now it doesn't recognize my username if I go to change my password (even though I know it). Thoughts???
  18. N

    Sudden status change to does not meet medical standards

    I would like to know as well my status says awaiting waiver requested remedial response. Contact the person at DoDMerb assigned to you for clarification
  19. N

    Sudden status change to does not meet medical standards

    Did they request and did you submit records.
  20. N

    DodMerb Waiver Update

    I know waivers can take some time, months even unfortunately. Should I be in contact with person assigned to me for any updates and where in the process it is at? My understanding medicals get uploaded to Dodmerb so the waiver authority can pull from there?