Search results

  1. twoducks

    Clothing on I-Day?

    Does it matter much what we wear on the morning of I-Day? I presume undergarments ought be all white, but is there anything else?
  2. twoducks

    USMMA's Misleading Statistic

    Each year, USMMA's website lists its acceptance rate as between 20-25%. That seems rather misleading. 1. Approximately, ~1,600 applications are opened each year on the USMMA portal. Meaning, in essence, that someone registered an email address. Nothing more. 2. Of those 1,600, only ~800 finish...
  3. twoducks

    Favorite Bean

    I like garbanzo, but lima beans are nice too.
  4. twoducks

    Are Sports at USMMA Mandatory?

    I remember reading somewhere that USMMA students are required to participate in sports activities during their time on campus. Is this true? Thank you!
  5. twoducks

    Most Entertaining Sport to Watch?

    Watching sports, personally, is unamusing. You name it- football, soccer, or swimming, to name a few, consistently fail to rouse my interest. Every four years, however, I put aside my biases for one special occasion. Lo' and behold, the Olympic Curling Championship. Intense as it is...
  6. twoducks

    How Are You Notified of Assigned Physicians?

    Hello. I think I may be confused about the DoDMERB procedure. Although my application has been half-completed for a month, I was never sent an auto-generated email from DoDMERB. Today, rather than wait any longer, I manually created a DoDMERB account. Reviewing the DoDMERB instructions once...
  7. twoducks

    Biographical Sketch Advice

    As of late, I have struggled to write the required biographical sketch for my USMMA application. What is the safest style of essay for being admitted? How do you recommend structuring the paper? Practicing good grammar and being genuine is important, of course, but it's challenging to apply that...
  8. twoducks

    Pursuing DoDMERB Inquiry

    USMMA's candidate instructions read, "You must pursue initiation and completion of your medical evaluation [...] When authorized, you can schedule your medical exams via" My question is, how do you know when you are "authorized" to pursue medical qualification? Thank you!