essay feedback

  1. physics_nerf

    Nomination Essay - feedback

    Hello all! This is my first post on here and I was hoping to get feedback on my nomination essay. The prompt is why do I want to attend a service academy. 500 words or less. When I was six, while my mother came to the United States and prepared for my arrival, I was under the care of my...
  2. A

    Congressional Nomination Essay: Why do you wish to attend a service academy?

    Here is what I wrote (I am open to any criticisms or advice. Tell me what you think): I wish to attend a service academy as an opportunity to serve my country as an army officer to the best of my ability. Joining the military has long been a goal of mine, and I aspire to join a service academy...
  3. A

    Why do you want to be an Officer - Essay

    Good afternoon, I'm currently a rising junior in high school with ambition to attend the USNA Class of 2029. I would be very grateful if you could take the time to review my essay I'm writing. I know its very early to be writing an essay - but I want to get someone's opinion on it. My essay is...
  4. A

    Why I want to be an officer - Essay

    Good afternoon, I'm currently a rising junior in high school with ambition to attend the USNA Class of 2029. I would be very grateful if you could take the time to review my essay I'm writing. I know its very early to be writing an essay - but I want to get someone's opinion on it. Its 506 words...
  5. M

    Thoughts on my Congressional Essay..

    Prompt: Please write a one to two page essay explaining why you want to serve as an officer in the military. (my essay is a page and a half long) Being appointed to a military service academy would be an incredible honor. An experience that will challenge me to become a stronger person...
  6. Q

    Personal Essay Question - Story about a lie?

    Hello, I am in the process of writing my essay for my Naval Academy Application. To show my character development, I have described a scenario in which I lied about a small detail, felt terrible, came clean, and learned from the experience. In the process of writing, I have become seriously...
  7. G

    Essay Advice

    Good evening, Academy Forums, I've begun writing my essays for the Naval Academy to answer the question: In a well-organized essay of a total of 300 to 500 words, please discuss both of the following: (1) Describe what led to your initial interest in naval service and how the Naval Academy...
  8. J

    Personal Statement Review USNA

    Please ignore any grammatical errors, this is my rough draft and I haven't ran it by my English teachers yet. Other than that, does anybody have any pointers for my essay? (1) Describe what led to your initial interest in the naval service and how the Naval Academy will help you achieve your...
  9. R

    Summer Seminar Essay Feedback

    The question for my essay was: Do you have any personal life experiences where you have overcome adversity or challenges that have shaped you into the person you are today? I was mostly focused on creating a balance between my personal experience and leadership philosophy. I really wanted to...