
  1. VP.28

    Difference between Maritime Cyber and Cyber Warfare Engineering?

    Hello, I’ve been wondering about the difference between the new Maritime Cyber Warfare community and the Cyber Warfare Engineering community. Can anyone really flesh out the differences between the two? What would stations look like (shore duty or boat duty? both?)? What is their primary focus...
  2. A

    Should I do Army or Air Force ROTC (Urgent plz help!)

    Okay. So I am an out of state incoming Freshman Air Force ROTC Cadet at Virginia Tech starting this fall. VT is a Senior military college. My double major is National Security and Foreign Affairs along with Arabic. This April, I was rejected for a High School Air Force ROTC Scholarship that I...
  3. CB2515

    SWO Option Program?

    I'm well aware that if I attend USNA, it is very hard to land a slot in intel when you initially commission. However, I came across that there are Option programs where you serve X amount of time as a SWO and then automatically transfer to another area such as Intel or IP. I'm a bit confused on...
  4. CB2515

    Navy and Air force Careers Comparison

    Hi everyone! I have applied for the class of '25 for both USNA and USAFA in hopes of getting into either one in order to pursue a military career. I've taken quarantine to really look into all the career opportunities available to me after the academy in both branches. I think both academies...
  5. S

    West Point or Annapolis for career in cryptology/intelligence?

    I'm really interested in making a career out of military intelligence/cryptology, but I'm stuck between USMA and USNA. BTW, I'm considering the service academies specifically (over OCS or ROTC), because I like the structure, discipline, atmosphere, and focus on the development of the 'whole...
  6. L

    Best major for intelligence career?

    Hello, if appointed to West Point, my original intentions were to major in chemical or nuclear engineering, as I enjoy physics and chemistry. But, I recently reflected more on what I'd like to do most within the military, and not as much on my civilian career. I came to the realization that I...
  7. D

    Marine Corps PLC Financial Assistance Program Repayment after Withdraw

    Hello everyone, I would like to thank you in advance if you have some knowledge to share with me on this issue. When I was an officer candidate for the Marine Corps through the Platoon Leaders Class program, I was enrolled in the Financial Assistance Program (FAP) which gives money to...
  8. T

    Intelligence Officer

    Hello. I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on this. I recently became a US Citizen through my parents automatically, and I've lived in America for nearly my entire life. I was originally born in Israel, however, and I was wondering if this automatically disqualifies me from serving...
  9. ElectedTuna

    Working in Intelligence

    Hi Everyone, I'll be doing AFROTC next year (or hopefully attend USAFA) and I was wondering how to approach my end goal of becoming an intelligence officer. I have a deep interest in foreign affairs and political science but economics seems to be my strongest and most passionate subject. I've...
  10. P

    Intelligence to FBI/ Law Enforcement

    Can anyone offer insight into being an intelligence officer then moving onto a career in federal law enforcement? Are there many academy graduates who do this? Does the FBI commonly see applicants from such prestigous colleges? I am currently looking at my options after USAFA. I would most...