
  1. hopeful_liam

    Advice for US citizen who is living abroad.

    Im still a sophomore, and am very excited to apply in a couple years to USNA. I will be graduating from an international school in Thailand, and I am a US citizen. I have researched a lot, but I have no clue how everything, including the BGO interview and the nomination, will work if I am on the...
  2. K

    U.S. Citizen with No HOR. Who should I ask for a nomination?

    Hello everyone, I am a US citizen(non-military) living in South Korea without a US address and I am wondering if I can receive a SA nomination from a state that I have never lived in. Does anyone have experience applying from overseas with no home state? Any help would be much appreciated.
  3. S

    Do I have a shot as an international applicant?

    Hello everyone. I'm from Mongolia and I am looking to join the class of 2028. I tried out for West Point last year and got waitlisted. Flat out rejected from Air Force Academy. I finished my mandatory service in 2022 and decided to join the military. I talked to a fellow Mongolian midshipman...
  4. S

    Scared that my answer was wrong

    Hello everyone, I am from Mongolia. Last Thursday I went in for the Service Academy nomination interview. All in all, I think the interview went well. I drew from my past experience as an enlisted soldier and answered all of the questions fairly well. However, since going into the interview, I...
  5. S

    Re-applicants who got in, what do you think that made you get in the 2nd/3rd/4th... time?

    I have been going over my application last year, trying to assess myself. I was found "fully qualified", but didn't get in. I asked myself, was it either the test, the essays, or the fitness test? Or even all of them? It doesn't help the fact that I am international, so I am assuming that the...
  6. S

    Is this a good sign?

    My CFA scores turned green into "On File and passed" and my DodMERB also became "Qualified" on the 24th of last month. I have also secured my nomination from the local US embassy. It's definetely not a guarantee, but it's a sign of good things to come, right?
  7. U

    VMI vs USMA?

    Hello I am new here. I know this has been asked a lot, but I still have some doubts. I read in other forums that USMA is the place if you want to be a professional army officer. I also read that people prefer west point since it is a more reputable school, though I read and saw YouTube videos...
  8. blueskies18

    International Applicant

    Hi everyone. I want to apply to USAFA for 2023, but I am currently attending high school in Canada. I am an American citizen, but I have no residency in the US. In terms of getting nominations, does anyone have any advice on who to contact and when? It is the only part of the application process...
  9. ThePilot18

    AFROTC & International Question

    Hi all, I'm a junior in high school, prepping to apply for an AFROTC scholarship (opens in June). But I will be living in Mexico by then (long story short: U.S. State Dept. reasons, and yes, it will happen). Anyone know how that changes things at all? As in, for the interview, or application...
  10. K

    International Academies?

    Looks like USNA (among other academies) accept international students. Let's flip the roles here a bit, just for fun; are there any other service academies in the world that would accept U.S. students? Has any body here been to another country's service academy? It can be naval, but doesn't...
  11. B

    International candidate question.

    Good morning everyone. I am currently a panamenian in the process of nomination for USMA here in my country. I completed the SAT and TOEFL tests with above average scores, and i am waiting to do the CFA in late november but there is one thing that is bothering me and that is my school grades. I...
  12. L

    Best major for intelligence career?

    Hello, if appointed to West Point, my original intentions were to major in chemical or nuclear engineering, as I enjoy physics and chemistry. But, I recently reflected more on what I'd like to do most within the military, and not as much on my civilian career. I came to the realization that I...
  13. LovroG

    International Cadets

    Hello, My name is Lovro, I am 17 and I come from Slovenia. I have been actively researching the possibility to attend the Air Force Academy as an international cadet for the past 2 years or so. I got plenty of answers from the American side, Ive talked to multiple cadets via Skype and have a...
  14. J


    Is it required to take the PSAT & PLAN to apply to USAFA? If yes, are these tests available in other countries?
  15. J

    International student or not?

    I'm still an incoming sophomore but planning to apply for USAFA once I graduate. I scanned through the application steps but some parts are not too clear or specified. In the eligibility step, I actually don't know where I am categorized. Whether I am an international student or not, because I...
  16. P

    International Candidate for Admission

    Hi, I'm new here and currently I'm an International Candidate for Admission. Two weeks ago I was contacted by the admissions officer and was told to send immunization record, color vision testing and dental records. Is that a good sign? Or they require that for everybody before considering the...