medical exam

  1. E


    Hi! I submitted the first round of my application around 28 days ago. It was the form with my personal essay, and my recommendations. I only have BGO, nominations, SAT and my CFA to complete. Do you get an email about the DoDMERB after the CFA? Do I need to complete more before hearing from...
  2. Joonko

    No Contact At All?

    Hello everyone, I recently received an LOA to USAFA and all that's left in my application is the medical examination process. I am an overseas applicant in South Korea (non-military) and was never contacted by the DoDMERB. Over the past two months, I've tried to contact both their email and...
  3. T

    Anything I can do now?

    I have already submitted my USNA application and need a successful nomination and medical examination. I cannot do my eye exam until December due to wearing CRT lenses and have my MOC interview scheduled in December as well. Is there anything I could do for a nomination/appointment or anything...
  4. C

    How Screwed Am I? One-time Drug Use During AFROTC.

    I will keep this somewhat brief, because I am extremely ashamed and need to get a clear answer of how to proceed. Recently, I was extremely stupid and drank a bit too much, which led me to hitting a bong exactly one time. It was one of the worst experiences of my life, as I got extremely sick...
  5. G

    How to start the DoDMERB?

    Hey all, I am a class of 2026 applicant here. I've been working on my application for a bit now and I've noticed the DoDMERB. How do I start this? I've heard that it takes a while to complete.
  6. S

    strabismus history

    I have a history of strabismus (crossing of the eyes). I have had a strabismus surgery twice in the last 3 years (in 2018 at 15 years old & in 2020 when I was 17 years old). My last surgery was just now a year ago. Since the last surgery I have not had any issues with double vision, only at the...
  7. E

    Too late for DoDMERB

    So I’ve been pretty ignorant towards how long the medical exam can be for my West Point Application. I’m currently in the “request scheduling stage” and I’m worried I won’t be able to get everything done in time for West Points January 31st deadline. I don’t think there’s anything in my medical...
  8. B

    DoDMET Exam Packet Download Trouble

    I just scheduled my medical and eye exams and I was told I needed to download my packet and bring it for the medical exam. However, the left-side bar displaying the checklist will not let me scroll down far enough to click the link. How can I find and download my packet since it’s not letting me...
  9. J

    Contacts for Medical Exam

    I wear contacts. I’ve already had my optometric exam. I know I don’t have to remove them 3 days prior for the medical exam, but am I allowed to wear them to the medical exam? Or do I have to wear my glasses? It doesn’t say anything about this on the dodmets website so I assume it’s ok. Just...
  10. S

    Medically Disqualifying, Yr 3/4

    I recently recieved a memorandum disenrolling me for ROTC for “pulmonary embolism” as a disqualifying condition from Hughes, MG Commanding. (After only a medical review on paper.) I had a pulmonary embolism over a year ago after I contracted but after temporary anticoagulation and surgical...
  11. C

    Could I continue taking ADD medication after getting waiver?

    I've recently been awarded an AFROTC type 2 4-year scholarship. This month is the 24th month that I've been taking ADD medication (so if I discontinue the medication prescription for next month, I'll be eligible for an ADHD waiver). I'm valedictorian of my high school, and I had straight A's...
  12. L

    Will My Medical Records Prevent Me From Getting in to WP?

    I am a 17 year old girl, I was diagnosed with somewhat severe asthma at age 12, It is mostly controlled but there have be outbursts. I was in the ER three times last year but I have been doing great since then and have cut down on almost all of my medicines (I only take an inhaler before working...
  13. H

    Pre Medical Exam Restrictions?

    My son has his medical exam scheduled for next week. The instructions say to avoid any strenuous physical activity for 48 prior. It’s a big training week for swim and he’s the team captain so his coach is not going to be thrilled with that—but he certainly doesn’t want to do anything that...
  14. Maverick19

    Updating Medical Info

    Hi everyone. So I have this callas on my foot that will need to be removed at some point (already tried the freezing/burning otc treatments). Now I am having to schedule my DoDMERB exams soon and will not be having any sort of procedure before that. If I do have the callas removed, would that...
  15. J

    NROTC Marine Option Shoulder Surgery Waiver

    I am applying for the NROTC MO scholarship and I plan on earning a commission as a Marine officer after I graduate. Only problem is that I have dislocated my shoulder about 4 times and my doctors are telling me that I need surgery to stabilize it. THERE ARE NO TEARS IN THE MUSCLES OR LIGAMENTS...
  16. J

    NROTC Marine Option Shoulder Surgery Waiver

    I am applying for the NROTC MO scholarship and I plan on earning a commission as a Marine officer after I graduate. Only problem is that I have dislocated my shoulder about 4 times and my doctors are telling me that I need surgery to stabilize it. THERE ARE NO TEARS IN THE MUSCLES OR LIGAMENTS...
  17. U

    Recently had DoDMERB exam, will I be DQ'ed?

    Hello, I had my DoDMERB exam this past Monday, and I am worried I will be DQ'ed. I wear glasses, and have astigmatism. I have heard that the DQ for astigmatism is +/- 3.00, I am -1.25 but I am still worried because I have other things that could potentially DQ me. There was a time during my...
  18. D

    AROTC Height/Weight vs Body Fat %

    I'm a high school senior and I was recently offered a 4-yr AROTC scholarship on this past board, and I know that soon I'll have to go get a medical exam and all that fun stuff. The problem is, I am technically overweight according to the Army HT/WT standards (5'11", 205 lbs), but I am well...
  19. U

    Smoked weed once, will I be disqualified?

    Hello, About a week ago, I was out with a friend on a day where I was extremely stressed and going through a lot in my personal life. As we were together, he suggested I get high with him to help myself calm down. Stupidly, I agreed. I did not know how to say no to him, but I also just made a...