flieger; good information. The only issue I have; which I could be totally wrong about; is that not too very long ago the academy got into a LOT of trouble for trying to turn the prep school into a place to build a "Red Shirt" "Farm Club" for their athletes. Not saying they didn't/don't use the prep school for athletes; THEY DID; but they also got into a lot of trouble for that.
The prep-school is SUPPOSE to be a place where an otherwise stellar applicant, with some minor academic shortcomings, could be offered the opportunity to improve on their academics and reapply to the academy the following year. I believe they are getting back to that. Not just an athletic farm club. I've had a couple students from our state be offered the prep school. Neither were athletes. Both in the last couple of years. One went last year and is now a C4C freshman and part of the class of 2012. Hopefully they have gotten away from the principle of it being a red shirt farm club. However, there is nothing wrong with an applicant who has a very good application, short a little on GPA, going to the prep school and also happens to be an athlete. My son is an IC (Intercollegiate Athlete). He didn't go to the prep school, but I could see where some athletes might be offered a slot. I just don't know if they actually hold slots any longer specifically for athletes. later... mike....