I agree if it came down from AETC that would be one thing, but flip side it could mean that there might be more Missileer scholarships coming down the pike.
It really is going to be more from MPC in the know, because they do 5 year projections.
Remember, only about 20% of all cadets start off as scholarship recipients and the rest are walk ons. My DS for the 4 years in AFROTC had @110 cadets start off as 100. Same for 200/250s. The year after he graduated his unit had over 180 just in the 100s class start in the fall. Thus, nobody can predict what the statistical rate for EAs will be since nobody knows what the pool size will be for that year, but AETC does know how many they need to commission for that year group at the current rate.
~ It could be true for class of 16 because they know right now that they are on par for a 95%+ rate currently, but they don't know yet how many 250s are going to join next fall.
You could also see scholarships (ICSP) change based on USAFA. For many years now USAFA has stayed at that 1350 appointment size with a goal of 1150 reporting on I Day. However, back 6-7 years ago it was much larger regarding appointment size for multiple years. It was common for 1600+ with a goal of 1300 reporting. In that case those cadets that had both AFROTC scholarship and appointment would be required to throw one back come I Day, typically it is the scholarship. That meant those AFROTC scholarships went back into the pot of gold, usually ICSP. There were years that ICSP boards were cancelled.
I would also say that sequestration will exist for several more years and it could impact the pot of gold in AFROTC. I hope more scholarships do come down the pike, but I also would believe that even if they do, be prepared for the stats to increase. Every year group has slowly seen the ACT/SAT stats to tick up. Currently a type 1 is hovering at 31 best sitting. Almost 30 for type 2, and @29 for type 7. I don't recall the SAT breakdown, but it hovers between 1280-1360 best sitting for type 1-7. That is average.
Good luck to all.