AFROTC 2018 Rated Boards

Just so we're all on the same page here, this thread is for the rated board results due out in a few weeks. ( Pilot, CSO, RPA etc) Not the scholarship or Academy boards.
Good luck to you all! If you don't get what you'd like stick it out and keep pushing...Supplemental boards exist for a reason.
Good luck to all you. My son got pilot spot last year and passed his medical so it off to UPT this fall.
Wow, his UPT class start date is in the fall as a May grad? That is quick, which UPT base is he going to, ENJJPT perhaps?

Our DS and all of his AFROTC peers showed up early fall (Sept the latest) to their UPT base, but they were casual status for about 6 months.
Good luck to all you. My son got pilot spot last year and passed his medical so it off to UPT this fall.
Wow, his UPT class start date is in the fall as a May grad? That is quick, which UPT base is he going to, ENJJPT perhaps?

Our DS and all of his AFROTC peers showed up early fall (Sept the latest) to their UPT base, but they were casual status for about 6 months.
I wish he got ENJJPT. He is scheduled for October at Columbus but was told it could change
Good luck to all you. My son got pilot spot last year and passed his medical so it off to UPT this fall.
Wow, his UPT class start date is in the fall as a May grad? That is quick, which UPT base is he going to, ENJJPT perhaps?

Our DS and all of his AFROTC peers showed up early fall (Sept the latest) to their UPT base, but they were casual status for about 6 months.

I commission May 12th and got a May 20th EAD (Sheppard), the other three pilot selects commissioning with me got May 20th, July 3rd, and September 28th respectively (all to Laughlin).
Class start date is what I was referring to regarding Humey's post. You can wait 6-9 months on casual.

Back on topic, this year will be interesting. SecAF had eluded to this last year. The ADAF board is meeting in a few weeks. Rumor is that they have @160 applicants, and will be picking up 75 for pilot, the next big number is RPA at 30. If I remember ADAF has 2 boards a yr. which means basically equals out to about 150.

Now you need to include OCS. Let's say 150 for them too. Add in USAFA which can be 500+. That leaves a lot of slots for AFROTC if you go with the winging numbers. They typically wing @ 1100 a yr. Reverse it from the fact that on a good yr 35%+ will not wing you are looking at a large pool size that will get a rated slot.

For all of you 300's please make sure your medical records are in order. This is not a DoDMERB, this is an FAA FC1 that is 3 days long. They will send you to WPAFB. You will take an EKG, have eye/ear/dental exams, and a final physical with a flight surgeon. This is not about the AF waiving you for their requirements like the DoMERB, but the AF saying we can't waive you due to the FAA restrictions that take precedence over DoDMERB.
Good luck to all you. My son got pilot spot last year and passed his medical so it off to UPT this fall.
Wow, his UPT class start date is in the fall as a May grad? That is quick, which UPT base is he going to, ENJJPT perhaps?

Our DS and all of his AFROTC peers showed up early fall (Sept the latest) to their UPT base, but they were casual status for about 6 months.

I commission May 12th and got a May 20th EAD (Sheppard), the other three pilot selects commissioning with me got May 20th, July 3rd, and September 28th respectively (all to Laughlin).
Wow, almost no break between graduating and go to Sheppard. The other two get almost no time either. The last one at least get summer off. My son's Cord Father (Arnold Air) literally waited one year before going in. He didnt even go home. He hung out at his college in the apartment he was living in.

As for FC1, that is where it hurts. My son drove there with three other guys. One was going RPA and he passed, the other failed pilot because they found some type of cataracts that he was probably born with. He has perfect vision. They had to retest him for RPA and i think he failed that also if my son tells the story correctly. He has however subsequently qualifed for RPA. The third guy also failed as his eyes or eyeballs werent situated quite right. Another guy who didnt go with them, didnt qualify because one of his eyes could only be fixed to 20/25. What he did say is that the doctors are there to work with you. They arent picky in that if you dont do a test correctly (vision mainly) they will help you with it. One of the vision tests is for depth perception and many of the guys/gals cant do it. Not because they have problems but they cant figure out how to do it. The docs will guide you through it . If i have one piece of advice for FC1, figure out how to work depth perception visual problems. Actually, it wouldnt be a bad idea to have your eyes checked completely by a Opthomologist to see if there are any potential problems before you go. My son who we always say has more luck than brains, passed it in two days with no problems. He had to wait another day as everyone else in his group had to be retested for one thing or another.
Class start date is what I was referring to regarding Humey's post. You can wait 6-9 months on casual.

Back on topic, this year will be interesting. SecAF had eluded to this last year. The ADAF board is meeting in a few weeks. Rumor is that they have @160 applicants, and will be picking up 75 for pilot, the next big number is RPA at 30. If I remember ADAF has 2 boards a yr. which means basically equals out to about 150.

Now you need to include OCS. Let's say 150 for them too. Add in USAFA which can be 500+. That leaves a lot of slots for AFROTC if you go with the winging numbers. They typically wing @ 1100 a yr. Reverse it from the fact that on a good yr 35%+ will not wing you are looking at a large pool size that will get a rated slot.

For all of you 300's please make sure your medical records are in order. This is not a DoDMERB, this is an FAA FC1 that is 3 days long. They will send you to WPAFB. You will take an EKG, have eye/ear/dental exams, and a final physical with a flight surgeon. This is not about the AF waiving you for their requirements like the DoMERB, but the AF saying we can't waive you due to the FAA restrictions that take precedence over DoDMERB.
Sept 30 EAD.....still casual. I expected it though and am getting a steady paycheck!
Class start date is what I was referring to regarding Humey's post. You can wait 6-9 months on casual.

Back on topic, this year will be interesting. SecAF had eluded to this last year. The ADAF board is meeting in a few weeks. Rumor is that they have @160 applicants, and will be picking up 75 for pilot, the next big number is RPA at 30. If I remember ADAF has 2 boards a yr. which means basically equals out to about 150.

Now you need to include OCS. Let's say 150 for them too. Add in USAFA which can be 500+. That leaves a lot of slots for AFROTC if you go with the winging numbers. They typically wing @ 1100 a yr. Reverse it from the fact that on a good yr 35%+ will not wing you are looking at a large pool size that will get a rated slot.

For all of you 300's please make sure your medical records are in order. This is not a DoDMERB, this is an FAA FC1 that is 3 days long. They will send you to WPAFB. You will take an EKG, have eye/ear/dental exams, and a final physical with a flight surgeon. This is not about the AF waiving you for their requirements like the DoMERB, but the AF saying we can't waive you due to the FAA restrictions that take precedence over DoDMERB.

All four of us have class dates starting within 12 weeks of our EAD.
They arent picky in that if you dont do a test correctly (vision mainly) they will help you with it.

I beg to differ.
I don’t mean they won’t fail you , but if you don’t get the depth perception right , they will work with you to get it

And Humey is right on depth perception at least. I've heard of half a dozen guys retrying it to pass at the FC1 and saw a couple more retry and pass while I was there.
For the people that already have rated slots such as RPA, CSO, or ABM and are hoping to possibly get upgraded to pilot, does anybody know if those people will be in this board?