Any Smaller States?

I live in DE, and grew up in RI. Both small, the two smallest to be exact :-)
I know of 2 to West Point from Delaware so far.
OK. Waiting to hear about the USAFA and USCGA. Hopefully soon. I know all the slates are in and have been. You have a DS or DD seeking an appointment?
I promise, this is not nearly the end of the stress. Once they get in, you'll have even more stress for the first summer and the academic year. The key is don't let them see it. This should be their decision and you don't want them afraid that attending will stress you out too much. They already have enough to worry about.
I promise, this is not nearly the end of the stress. Once they get in, you'll have even more stress for the first summer and the academic year. The key is don't let them see it. This should be their decision and you don't want them afraid that attending will stress you out too much. They already have enough to worry about.
Totally agree. I don't stress in front of him. :-)

I've talked with him about what to expect and the mental challenges. I went through boot camp, albeit different than BCT. He asks questions about it.
In the end, each nomination list has only 10 nominees. The chances of an appointment depends on your competition. If there's 10 really competitive individuals in a state with 3 congressional districts, those 10 competitive individuals could be split among the 3 districts. In a state with only 1 district, all competitive applicants are guaranteed to be in the same competition pool.

Also, there are some districts, such as north central California, where the military is not a very popular endeavor. As such, some moc have a difficult time getting 10 applicants to even apply. So the argument can be made that in some California districts, it could be easier to get a nomination and potentially an appointment compared to other states. Also, some states, because of their military proximity, are even more competitive comparatively. E.g Colorado, Virginia, Texas, etc. and even more so in cities near military communities.

So while it can be argued that it's easier for a wyoming or North Dakota applicant to get a nomination and appointment, the same can be said for the north central California districts, inner city Detroit, etc.
Exactly. DE has one district. So 10 kids on 3 slates for each school. So you're competing against 9. If you're on multiple slates, then multiply. My DS is on all 3 slates for the USAFA so he's competing against 27 others. DE has a pretty big military presence which surprises some folks. We have Dover AFB, multiple ANG/NG sites, and the USCG on both neighboring states (NJ and MD). When my DS went for one of his MoC interviews he said there were around 40+ kids, meaning 30 or so didn't get a nomination.

And, I am sure this can vary from year to year. We're just sitting here with our fingers crossed.
RickD- Yes, I have a daughter seeking an appointment to West Point. She has a principle nomination from Senator Koons, LOA, nominations from Congressman Carney and Senator Carper. Portal finally turned all green last Tuesday due to waiting on a medical waiver. I imagine she will hear soon.
RickD- Yes, I have a daughter seeking an appointment to West Point. She has a principle nomination from Senator Koons, LOA, nominations from Congressman Carney and Senator Carper. Portal finally turned all green last Tuesday due to waiting on a medical waiver. I imagine she will hear soon.
Congrats. I remember reading that in the papers.
RickD-While at the state wrestling tournament yesterday I spoke to a young man who will be going to Kings Point in the fall. Nice kid from Cape Henlopen High.
There has been a lot of Nominations/LOA's/Appointments coming out of the larger states. Just curious if anyone has posted about Nominations/LOA's/Appointments coming from the smaller states (i.e. Rhode Island, Delaware, etc.).
We're from Delaware. Our son received an LOA back in October, and nominations late December. He just accepted his appointment to USNA
We're from Delaware. Our son received an LOA back in October, and nominations late December. He just accepted his appointment to USNA
Congratulations !!!

We are still waiting. My DS got three nominations, but all to the USAFA. So, we're waiting to hear back from the USAFA and USCGA. Unless a miracle happens with a VP nomination, the USNA is pretty much out of the picture for us.
My DS [MI] got appointed to USMA but is waiting to here from USAFA with 2 noms. I have not seen any USAFA appointments from MI on this forum list yet; not a very small state but not huge population wise.
Yes on USNA 2021 appointment thread there are only 2 from MI that plan to accept and one declined. On USMA there are only 2 accepted from MI, and one of those is the declined appt from USNA thread.
With 14 congressional districts in Michigan it makes one curious what other appointment offers may have been extended to candidates by the NA and WP admissions boards that are not appearing on this forum.
With 14 congressional districts in Michigan it makes one curious what other appointment offers may have been extended to candidates by the NA and WP admissions boards that are not appearing on this forum.
Yes, as helpful as this site is, it can be misleading. I haven't seen a USNA appointment to MI-03 but it could have happened months ago and I wouldn't know unless they post here.