Applying from College


10-Year Member
5-Year Member
Apr 3, 2007
Sigh, the site keeps disconnecting me when I try to post and I end up losing everything I've typed, waste of the last two hours... was going to cut and paste for safety but selected Submit out of a rashness to get it done with :mad:

I had typed up a different reply but since it keeps disconnecting me I'm just going to copy the one I've got from the other site.

Hope you guys n gals can help, all information is much appreciated :thumb:

"Hello all, I've been reading posts here for a little while and had a question about applying from college. I've already been talking with a BGO but would like to hear/read some other opinions =O.

I was mainly wondering, what kind of grades, SAT scores, and extracurriculars did you have to receive an appointment from college?

My GPA is a bit low at the moment at 3.3, but by the time I'm ready to apply it should be in the 3.7-3.85 range. My BGO has told me that I need to "ACE" the SAT and completely "WOW" them. But "ACE" and "WOW" could mean anything like 2100/2400 or 2400/2400 so I was a bit curious as to what others had on their applications.

He also suggested that I apply every year even though I am pretty sure I would not be found academically qualified for atleast another year or two. If things go according to plan I would like to attend the USNA in Summer of 2010, so would start my application process in late 2008/early 2009. I could attend Summer of 2009 also but that would be a stretch in my mind.

I have no problem with the nominations as I have the Presidential nom. due to my dad's service. Sports wise I won't have an issue either, though my BGO didn't mention what looked good on my application when it came to leadership qualities. Just that I needed to do well with my English, Calculus, Chemistry, and Physics courses.

I'm slightly curious if he just forgot to mention it in the emails/phone conversations or if it isn't that big of a thing for college applicants?

Any information regarding this process is welcome, and thanks in advance. =]"

I went into much more detail earlier but since my efforts have been thwarted and I don't have the time to type a third one, I hope this is enough lol.
Start by looking here. That will give you some idea of what the "average" Mid's resume looked like.

I was rejected for the class of '09 and reapplied from the University of Washington. In HS I had a 3.5 GPA and 1340 SAT score (on the old one...never took the new one).

In college I had a 3.3 and my 'only' ECA was NROTC...which kept me pretty busy. If you reapply and are doing well at college, your chances are significantly higher than just being straight from high school
Yea, plus don't forget that those 81 college students selected were from a much smaller pool of candidates than that of high school students applying.

I'm currently on my 2nd year right now at the University of Central Florida, was rejected last year (my freshman yet), reapplied, got an LOA and both of my medical waivers this year.

Just make sure you join some ECA's, show some school spirit, and get a job (not because you will need one, but because it shows maturity, etc.)
Congrats Krypter! Enjoy your time left. DMeix will be waiting on you. :shake:

CJohnson2013, don't get discouraged. Research everything you can get your hands on & ask alot of questions. Wishing you the very best of luck!
I knew a guy in the class of 1992 who had finished his junior year in Engineering at Perdue when he finally got accepted at USNA.

Never EVER give up.
I had a student last year in her third year of college who received an appointment. In her case, she discovered late that she wanted to be at USNA. Because of this, she'd taken all of the "wrong" courses in college -- i.e., sociology, criminal justice, etc. However, with a great Calc grade, hard work, and a little luck, it worked out for her.

Also, realize that over 1/3 of each entering class now has at least a year of post-HS education. Could be NAPS, Foundation, or college. So, not a problem if you don't go directly out of HS.
Aug 2006: New regimental commander brings college degree to job

"Midn. 1/C James Mahan took over July 22 as regimental commander, the highest ranking midshipman during the second part of Plebe Summer, the period of rigorous military indoctrination for academy freshmen.
Mahan has done something that few other midshipmen have done. On May 12, 2006, Mahan walked across the stage at the University of Southern California (USC) to accept his diploma from that university. In May 2007, he will walk across the stage to get his second bachelor's degree, this one from the U.S. Naval Academy.

By that time, he will have attended college seven years, three at the University of Southern California and four at the Naval Academy. ...

August 3, 2006 Trident
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Looks like I'll be shooting for a perfect score on my SAT from what I've heard now on the other forums, should be fun.

College applicants are more outside the norm than the average high school candidate. There is probably a different story for every appointment. BGOs usually don't see enough to establish a pattern. If I were you, I would make every effort to VISIT the CGO and personally talk to one of the regional directors. The ideal college applicant would be applying from a top tier university with solid grades in calculus, chemistry, and English composition. The SATs ensure that an applicant is capable of mastering college level courses. The more actual successful technical college course completion, the less the importance of the SATs.

I would also recommend applying every year commencing next year. You will receive feedback of ALL your deficiencies and perhaps they might just see you in a different light and offer you NAPS or the foundation.

Good luck.
I'm confused

Am I reading those dates in the quote incorrectly?

"Midn. 1/C James Mahan took over July 22 as regimental commander, the highest ranking midshipman during the second part of Plebe Summer, the period of rigorous military indoctrination for academy freshmen.
Mahan has done something that few other midshipmen have done. On May 12, 2006, Mahan walked across the stage at the University of Southern California (USC) to accept his diploma from that university. In May 2007, he will walk across the stage to get his second bachelor's degree, this one from the U.S. Naval Academy.

How did he graduate from USC in May 06 and one year later be graduating from USNA? Am I totally confused or is it a typo?
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He spent 3 years at USC before coming to USNA. While he's been here, he's continued to take summer courses at USC because he didn't want that time to go to waste. He finally completed his USC degree last year and graduated.
2011's Mom

He also was granted some credit at USC for classes taken at USNA. He was only five classes shy of graduation from USC before starting at USNA.

Go to the link and read the article about him, he is amazing when you look at his accomplishments. It would be nice if they did a follow up to see what his service selection and plans are starting this smuumer.

DMeix do you know? I will ask my son to see if he knows.
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If I'm taking the same courses at a community compared to a state university, or a university, would it make a big difference?

For a high school senior who fails to gain admission to USNA, they are told to attend a top level university and obtain at least a grade of B in a full load of courses to include calculus, chemistry, and English composition. World History would probably be a good fourth choice. Also, I have been told on two separate occasions that these candidates should still strive for a 1200 SAT (math/verbal only). USNA1985 and I have had conversations that in her highly competitive area, a 1200 SAT score would probably be marginal at best.

USNA will see all your college transcripts. They are looking for the ability to master Calculus, Chemistry, and English composition. How will you explain the fact that yes, you knew at the time you wanted to prepare yourself for the Academy but were not doing it at the best level possible and taking the courses that would best prepare you for admissions? Do you maintain your safe little comfortable world and continue with Plan B, which is a liberal arts major in an easily available venue or do you strike out, get a job, challenge yourself, and prove yourself to the Academy admissions board in a timely manner? To say that it is easier than you thought may be kidding yourself.

But again, any advice you receive on this forum is purely conjectural. You need to sit down and talk with a CGO. There are no regional CGOs. One can purchase rather inexpensive plane tickets these days and I would argue that someone who is willing to spin their wheels for another 3 years rather than move forward is probably not that serious about a Naval career.
On my "schedule" I would be 22 when I go to the Academy, I could still get a Bachelor's before I attend, I would just have to take different courses as Navy wants engineering and I'm already set up for a History/PolSci major with secondary teaching degree. Sadly I wish the two correlated a bit better.

Was looking into NROTC and OCS, but didn't like the timeline for NROTC (Had to have Calc/Physics done by second year, wouldn't be possible for me as I hadn't planned for it)

The above comments lead me to believe, maybe mistakingly, that you are pursuing other goals that might be detrimental to USNA admissions. Also your CC posts in WP and AFA forums make me think that perhaps you are pursuing advice more compatable to your desires than to your possible perception of USNA's recommendations. Perhaps the CC USNA site was slow to provide response because it was too difficult to attempt in a conscious manner. My original advice stands. Wait a couple of weeks until the current admissions rush is complete and contact the CGO. If your priorities are such that you have to do it by phone, so be it. They are the ones that can tell you what to do. Listen to them. Don't argue.

My gut feeling is that they will want to see performance at a good state level university. Be prepared not to argue with them. I did not realize that college students in CA were required to live at home and their parents had to move to the location of the school of their choice.

I believe Class of 2014 would be my last chance as I would be 23 by the next summer,

You have to be no older than age 22 on I-Day and remain under age 23 until July 1, a few days later.

Advice: If you are typing a post, lose it, and are "too busy" to repost it properly and then expect us to attempt to give you advice based on incomplete information, what quality of advice do you expect to receive. Disregard for other people's time is not a good manner in which to seek proper advice. If you operate in this manner, do not be offended when people misinterpret you.
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don't stay out of anyone's hair from now on -- or you do it at your own risk. You would be doing yourself a considerable disservice by not taking advantage of the wisdom and experience of people like USNA69. There are knowlegable people on this site that are able, and willing, to share with those of us that are new to the process inb a way that has been of valuable assistance to us in supporting my son's quest. This is the site for quality info. I have only seen a few instances of bad advice, and that advice was quickly countered by the resident experts that give so much of themselves here. And usually there are examples to back up the corect info, even including links to verify for yourself. If you are going to be a serious candidate for any SA, you will get much from this site. JMO
My primary purpose was not to insult you. I am sorry you took it that way. What I saw was you coming on this site (and others) with a few rambling posts with a plethora of rationalizations for doing things your way. I was simply trying to shake you up and trying to get you to think a little differently, to be open to and to consider other options. Your situation is 99% different than those candidates reporting in the next month or so. Your situation is unique. I dare say that you can find anyone out here capable of giving you the best advice. For the third time, get with the CGO office for an extended period of time and listen to what they say. It insults me to tell you this and then read on your last post:

I'm working with some other Alumni/Attendees at the moment to better understand the situation.

So you are not heeding the advice that is being given you and are apparently continuing to try to find someone with whom you can agree with their ill given advice. The fact that your BGO is "too busy" for you should be a red flag. Look inside yourself instead of trying to criticize him. Additionally, several posters have advised you to commence applying right away to the Academy but you appear to have blown this off in that it does not meet your "schedule".

With that said, in my opinion a 21 yr old unemployed male who is taking a few easy courses at the local community college, applying to USNA for the first time, is probably wasting his time. Wake up. Challenge yourself. Look our for your own best interests. Forget your family. It is your life, and hopefully your dreams and goals, that we are concerned about here. We are here to help you. Give us half a chance. Your dad was in the Navy. Talk to him. The world, especially the military, will not bend itself to your perceived needs. You have to go out and meet it on it's own terms.
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CJohnson, whoa.... Back up some. You're at Kent State in Army ROTC & have decided to apply to USNA right? Kudos to you. You may be blowing the process up a tad. Just pick up the phone & call the CGO. You're looking for direction and thats what they will give you. Ya can't be shy if you want to reach your goal. Listen to USNA69. You can't BUY advice that good.
Krankies! Remind me never to put a big plate of sushi in front of me & type ever again. I misread one, two or five things here. Geez. Blonde moment. Again. Wipe my last post from memory as if its not there. Spicy tuna must have a kick to it. :biggrin:

So anyhow.... carry on. :thumb:
Well, I called the CGO but their office hours end at 4:00 PM EST, so called about an hour too late.

. My original advice stands. Wait a couple of weeks until the current admissions rush is complete and contact the CGO.

Had you waited a couple of weeks as I suggested, the CGO would be through the current admissions cycle and would have a lot more time for your questions. At this moment in time, their sense of priority to your concerns probably won't be the same as yours.
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