Totally agree with the posts above... And have one thing to add. If you really want to go to the USNA, you should...
Apply for a NROTC scholarship asap.
The hard cold truth is despite the strength of your application to USNA, it is still a gamble that may take one or even two re-applications to make it. Consequently, an NROTC scholarship is not simply a "Plan B," it offers a significant advantage to a re-app's chances of being selected and succeeding at the Academy once you get there.
My DS had a very strong app out of hs with a 33 ACT score, 3 varsity letters, Eagle scout, blah blah blah and made the Wait list. The NROTC scholarship allowed him to improve his reapp exponentially, earning 3 noms, a perfect CFA, and the leadership and Navy experience that got him an Appointment to Class of 2021 where he is having a blast at plebe summer as a write this.
Good luck!