I can understand and respect this thread with regards to options and choices but I feel that one decision should be made and it's a matter of honor to keep to that one decision. A click of acceptance should not be taken lightly as SAs take extreme commitment. Remember there is a snowball effect with your choice. A multitude of people are affected (both positively and negatively) so please make your decision to the best of your ability and see it through.
I've replied to posts before where some people didn't agree. And that's ok. We don't always have to agree. But when it comes to "OPINIONS", that is one area that I'm POSITIVE that I am more than capable of Pi$$ing someone off. And I have a feeling, this is going to be "One of those times".
When little Frankie or little Matilda applied to the academies, their application will be graded and scored based on THEIR accomplishments. If they receive an appointment, it's because THEY EARNED it. No one else had anything to do with it. I'm not talking about mom and dad staying on them to get the application done and making sure they did their homework.
In the end, no matter what mom or dad or anyone else did, it was little Frankie and Matilda who sat in the classes and took the tests. It was they who went to football, baseball, soccer, basketball, track, etc. practice after school and sweated for hours. And many times gave blood. It was they who was the member of the NHS, Band, Choir, Spanish Club, etc. They are the ones who volunteered to help grade school kids read, helped the homeless, volunteered for meals on wheels, sent packages to our troops overseas. Frankie and Matilda are the ones who studied and went in and took the ACT or SAT numerous times. It is they who interviewed with their ALO and sat in front of the representative or senator's nomination selection panel. And the list goes on of what THEY DID FOR THIS APPOINTMENT.
As such..... They have EARNED THE RIGHT to do WHATEVER they feel is BEST FOR THEM. I will not debate "Honor" with anyone here. But Honor starts within. The only responsibility the applicant/appointee has concerning their appointment, is TO THEMSELVES. They don't owe anyone else for the decision they are to make. And if they want to keep their options open by accepting the appointment and changing their mind later, that is totally their prerogative. THEY EARNED THAT RIGHT!!! And yes, some will say that by accepting an appointment and later on tuning it down, that they have potentially stopped someone else from getting an appointment. Yes, that is possible. But little Frankie and Matilda are making one of the most important decisions of their life. A decision, that could potentially affect their life for the next 20-30 years. Sorry; but that decision is 100% theirs; and should not have anyone else in mind when they make that decision.
The same goes when a person complains and expresses their anger because an individual accepts an appointment, gets to basic training, and quits half way through it. People come out of the woodwork to say how "Some poor applicant who wanted the academy their whole life, COULD HAVE HAD that appointment if this person hadn't accepted it and then quit". Well guess what; that same appointee who accepted it and then quit half way through basic training, most times ALSO WANTED the academy their whole life. I have seen that way too many times. No one knows what the academy is REALLY LIKE until they get there. Anyone who says they've wanted it their whole life, still has absolutely no idea what they are getting into until they get there. Even the applicant who THINKS they know what they are getting into; e.g. JrROTC, CAP, Scouts, Military Brat, etc. has NO IDEA what they are headed for.
So forgive me if it doesn't bother me if an individual accepts an appointment and then changes their mind later. Whether it's before BCT or during BCT or after their 1st-4th semesters at the academy. I do not think any less of these individuals. They are making one of the most important decisions of their life. And THEY EARNED THAT RIGHT!!! They don't owe ANYONE else. When I interview applicants, I want to make sure that the academy is THEIR CHOICE. Not mommy or daddy's choice. And if it IS THEIR CHOICE, and they are the one who did the studying, took the tests, made the grades, got the ACT/SAT scores, sweated and bled on the field, and put in the hundreds of hours volunteering, and everything else that's required......... Then THEY have EARNED the RIGHT to handle their selection any way they feel is right. It is a decision that they will have to live with. They don't owe anyone for the decision they are about to make. They EARNED THAT RIGHT.