Appointed to VMI

My son received his appointment to VMI today - regular mail - paperwork to follow the letter said. His had already received NROTC 4yr to VMI in november- so he is pumped - waiting to hear from uscga and usna - 3q'd and has pres. nom.
I have an appointment too, but I decided against VMI.
My son received his appointment to VMI today - regular mail - paperwork to follow the letter said. His had already received NROTC 4yr to VMI in november- so he is pumped - waiting to hear from uscga and usna - 3q'd and has pres. nom.
Congrats to your son. BTW-If he watches the Inaugural Parade next Tuesday he will see pretty much the entire VMI Cadet Corps marching in the parade (I hope it warms up between now and then as they will look like marching popsicles if it is still this cold).
I didn't realize it was called an "Appointment" when you were accepted to VMI?

Any who...congradulations!
I didnt either, but thats what they call it. They said that I was "appointed earlier this week and should be recieving a letter shortly"
me too

nice man, same here. I got the "appointment" today. I'm just staring at both of my Citadel and VMI acceptances and deciding which is for the better. :biggrin:
Congrats to your son. BTW-If he watches the Inaugural Parade next Tuesday he will see pretty much the entire VMI Cadet Corps marching in the parade (I hope it warms up between now and then as they will look like marching popsicles if it is still this cold).
The only cadets who won't be marching are the ones who will be left behind as part of the guard team. It's supposed to be in the 30s on Tuesday, which will be very nice... it was -1 for yesterday morning's practice parade! :shake: The only members of our band who had their instruments for that practice was the drumline (to give us the cadence to march to), because the temperature would have messed up the rest of our instruments.

Congratulations to those who have been appointed to VMI! If you come, you'll get to look forward to the governor's inaugural parade next year, and possibly the 2013 presidential inaugural. :smile:
First off congratulations on your appointment. I too am applying to VMI along with a few of the other SMC's. By any chance could you or anyone possibly tell me roughly how long it takes for the schools to send out your appointment/defer/deny letters? I sent my applications out Dec. 19, but due to the holidays they didn't receive my information until Jan. 9, I believe.
First off congratulations on your appointment. I too am applying to VMI along with a few of the other SMC's. By any chance could you or anyone possibly tell me roughly how long it takes for the schools to send out your appointment/defer/deny letters? I sent my applications out Dec. 19, but due to the holidays they didn't receive my information until Jan. 9, I believe.

LGLH: My son's timing last year was almost identical to yours- no promises here, but I believe that it took about 3 weeks for him to get his letter back from VMI. (He's a rat this year). Good luck and hang in there- it will be here before you know it!:thumb:
Nice big envelope in the mail today! Son got appointment to VMI (this is his first choice NROTC school!). The appointment arrived in a nice regular mail envelope with more information to follow just like Larry2013 described. Now we have to schedule his overnight visit to VMI! It is nice that he will have some choices for next year!
CONGRATS ON VMI - Larry knows that this will be his backup - the boys may come to know each other - good luck with visit - now that crew season is upon us - kids go to potomac on 2/23 - I don't think we will get down there before summer. In reading other posts - perhaps bruno's great knowledge - somewhere I know that VMI has a summer program - optional - to get one class out of the way and i am sure to begin to learn routine - if Larry goes to VMI - HE WILL BE taking advantage of this - I am told (from alumi here in mclean that wrote Larry's recommendation) that about 50% of class does to summer thing - IT ISN'T required. Just thought you'd appreciate this additional info -
Larry, thank you for the info. I had heard of the summer program. Our son knows a boy who is currently a 3/c at VMI, from his boy scout troop.
CONGRATS ON VMI - Larry knows that this will be his backup - the boys may come to know each other - good luck with visit - now that crew season is upon us - kids go to potomac on 2/23 - I don't think we will get down there before summer. In reading other posts - perhaps bruno's great knowledge - somewhere I know that VMI has a summer program - optional - to get one class out of the way and i am sure to begin to learn routine - if Larry goes to VMI - HE WILL BE taking advantage of this - I am told (from alumi here in mclean that wrote Larry's recommendation) that about 50% of class does to summer thing - IT ISN'T required. Just thought you'd appreciate this additional info -
that sounded short, hit post reply before I was done. It will be great if our boys get to know each other. Where else is your son applying? It is good that things seem to be "falling into place" now... take care,
Larry has only ever wanted usna (i realize some posts talk about this but for my son he has known usna was for him since he was little and spent every summer at usna crew camp during high school). VMI has come to be his verbal acknowledgement of back up - so it really didn't matter where else he applyed or who else has called- he is thrilled to have VMI and NROTC 4yr to his 1st choice (VMI). LArry did apply to VA Tech and Villanova and to USCGA-he was open to attend last summer but didn't get the AIM program. Larry rows-in fact he competed at the mid atlantic sprints this past weekend and saw his coach from last summer's usna camp - USNA had their lightweights at the competition. As the mom, I was sure he had considered and had his reasons for his choices usna or VMI as backup - for at VMI he won't be able to row - I have come to think of it as the opportunity to do track and field or rifle/pistol (scout camp and outings have been him only experience to date - really can't let him go out the our backyard to shoot cans!). Crew (rowing) has been his life thru high school and loves it - but knew he wanted what VMI offered more than rowing in college. Larry doesn't know anyone at VMI, doesn't know anyone even willing to consider lifestyle - he is only senior we know of this year applying to SA or military type school. I recognize your post name - have read yours - know you are up there in maryland - so I am pleased to think I may know a parent of incoming class -
Congratulations to PMLutton and to Larry2013 on your acceptances (and anyone else I've overlooked!). As Larry 2013 has pointed out- VMI does have a Summer Transition Program - (pretty much the entire month of July) which I would strongly recommend. It will allow you to take one class off your first semester schedule in a core course in an almost one on one setting with a professor, while also getting a pretty rigorous physical preparation before you matriculate. You also get the chance to meet your future fellow rats in a low pressure environment. My son also knew no one going to VMI (we're from Massachusetts) before showing up for STP- but he made a couple of good buddies in that month before matriculation. >50% of the class will attend and I don't know of anyone who thinks that it was a bad investment of the time and money.
Good luck and congratulations.:thumb:
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Finally!!!! After what seemed like years of agony which in turn were only a few short weeks, I opened up my mailbox to a Gander Mt. magazine (dad's), Victoria Secret catalogue(sister), some bills (parents plus one for me), and to my amazement the last thing was a beautiful white envelope with gold VMI embossed print in the lower corner addressed to me. Nice call on the 3 week timing Bruno :thumb:. I was definitely hoping I would be able to know whether I was academically appointed before leaving this thursday for the overnight. It feels good to have choices, but even better to have my number 1 and 2 in the hole academic wise so far. Congrats to all and I look forward to seeing anyone that might be going to the Overnight this weekend. PM me maybe we can link up.
Congrats on VMI, Maryland Mom! Our son went there for a football tryout and it was hot as blazes that day! Son also has a couple frieinds there in the wrestling program and another good friend across the street at Washington & Lee. They all love it!