Appointment Notification


New Member
Oct 30, 2017
Did anyone get the notification on their portal that they will be getting a appointment? I had an LOA though. They said the first wave of appointments will not be released until the end of February. Good luck to everyone :)
I am an LOA holder as well. No appointment yet. Just be patient, stay in shape, and keep studying!

When you have so much to do, waiting isn’t as hard.

Question: on your statement about the first wave being in February, what’s your source exactly? From what I’ve seen, it tends to be around mid-late January.
I got an notification in my portal that I will be in the first wave. Additionally, it said that the first wave will be getting released towards the end of February. I thought it would be around the end of January as well. Best of luck and stay focused!
I got an notification in my portal that I will be in the first wave. Additionally, it said that the first wave will be getting released towards the end of February. I thought it would be around the end of January as well. Best of luck and stay focused!

Could you show us what it says so we can be on the lookout for it? Thanks.
Out of curiosity, is it a letter or some sort of status box, etc? Thanks for sharing and congrats!
I did some digging back in this forum and a couple of folks misread their 3Q letter from 2017. They thought that Feb 26th was the first date appointments would come out, when actually, the letter said that most appointments would be tendered between Feb and May.

As @ontothefray22 stated, are you sure this wasn’t a misread? We have to be careful when interpreting West Point Correspondence on this forum. Admissions words phrases specifically so that we can avoid misinterpretation, but that doesn’t mean that it won’t occasionally happen.

I find it hard to believe that West Point would release their first wave in late February, months after some of the other top colleges and Ivy Leagues have offered some of the same prospective students slots in the class of 2022, some with ROTC scholarships. I could be wrong since every year is similar but open to changes in the admissions process, but please let me know if you misread something. It would help many candidates on this forum and relieve some stress. I bet the other high school seniors, enlisted soldiers, and college students who are applying to West Point are seeing this and freaking out a little, not to mention the parents who are sometimes more anxious than the kids (I know mine are).
If you get an offer of appointment, your portal will change and you will have another list of things added on the left. It will say offered appointment. You do not get a "letter" like the LOA/LOE/3Q/TWE.

You may receive a phone call from your nominating source and you may not. The portal changes and a few days later you get a BFE.
USMA Director of Admissions spoke at an admissions event prior to the Armed Forces Bowl in Ft. Worth. She indicated appointments would start being announced in mid January.

I would think the Director of Admissions would be a pretty reliable source! Thank You LiveInTheMoment for that information. My DD FFR also said mid to late January will find the first significant round of appointments. Her 3Q letter referenced 2/26 as the first round of appointments but I think that is just a template letter.
My son was in the first wave last January. USMA posted a pic of appointments going out in the mail on instagram and mailbox stalking commenced. His portal update was a few days after the BFE arrived. No phone call from the MOC. Exciting and stressful at the same time. A good warm up for his time at West Point! :)

Good luck for patience for all those waiting! It is worth it in the end.
Just a little heads up on how this works.
The admissions committee meets every Tuesday to vote on appointments.
The priority of letting the candidate know of the appointment is this:
1) Your MOC - WP will notify the MOC of the appointment and allows them 72 hours to be the first one to let you know of your appointment.
2) USPS - during that 72 hours where the MOC is given the first opportunity to notify, the appointment (or BFE as we like to call it), is mailed. It is timed to arrive after the 72 hours ( Friday at the earliest).
3) Your Portal - this will be the last place that your appointment will show up on. Usually the next week after you are voted to receive the appointment.

Mid -January is when the first wave usually happens. These are the 'no-brainer' appointments - those who have won their slate or have LOAs.
The next wave usually comes after Jan 31, after the MOC deadline for turning in their slate.
More will go out after the file completion deadline, which is FEB 28
Then, the appointments trickle out after that until the class is full.

I say 'usually' in all of the above, because admissions can change year to year how they do things. 'Usually' just means what has happened in the past.

This is the time of angst, worry, stress, and constant checking of the mail and portals for the candidates (and the parents).
Hang it there.
Continue to update your file until the deadline 0f FEB 28.

Good luck!
I got an notification in my portal that I will be in the first wave. Additionally, it said that the first wave will be getting released towards the end of February. I thought it would be around the end of January as well. Best of luck and stay focused!

I'm sorry, but after reading this post and this other one you posted regarding a "4 day, all expenses paid visit"....I think you're a fraud...

Neither exists from what I've read on this board and on the USMA admissions website. Search for yourself.
I got an notification in my portal that I will be in the first wave. Additionally, it said that the first wave will be getting released towards the end of February. I thought it would be around the end of January as well. Best of luck and stay focused!

I'm sorry, but after reading this post and this other one you posted regarding a "4 day, all expenses paid visit"....I think you're a fraud...

Neither exists from what I've read on this board and on the USMA admissions website. Search for yourself.

I found this post:

I’m new to the forum, but I don’t think you should attack others if you haven’t fully looked through everything because something similar has happened in the past. Scroll down a few post to find it.
If you think somebody's making things up, as fraudulent as those things may sound, I implore you to politely take the issue to the Moderators.

That is what they're here for, after all.

Calling people out in public can sometimes seem innocent, as the case could be just as you have said it is...but even then, it can do some damage. Please be careful.


I got an notification in my portal that I will be in the first wave. Additionally, it said that the first wave will be getting released towards the end of February. I thought it would be around the end of January as well. Best of luck and stay focused!

I'm sorry, but after reading this post and this other one you posted regarding a "4 day, all expenses paid visit"....I think you're a fraud...

Neither exists from what I've read on this board and on the USMA admissions website. Search for yourself.

I found this post:

I’m new to the forum, but I don’t think you should attack others if you haven’t fully looked through everything because something similar has happened in the past. Scroll down a few post to find it.

Whoa, @pallen92x - settle down. A better way to have handled your suspicion would have been to say that you are not familiar with such a visit and to ask if anyone had heard of it - not to throw around accusations.

The thread that tomtom15 cited is from the USAFA forum, but USMA also has a diversity visit program similar USAFA's.
Top diversity candidates and their parents are invited to visit WP at no cost to them.