Just a little heads up on how this works.
The admissions committee meets every Tuesday to vote on appointments.
The priority of letting the candidate know of the appointment is this:
1) Your MOC - WP will notify the MOC of the appointment and allows them 72 hours to be the first one to let you know of your appointment.
2) USPS - during that 72 hours where the MOC is given the first opportunity to notify, the appointment (or BFE as we like to call it), is mailed. It is timed to arrive after the 72 hours ( Friday at the earliest).
3) Your Portal - this will be the last place that your appointment will show up on. Usually the next week after you are voted to receive the appointment.
Mid -January is when the first wave usually happens. These are the 'no-brainer' appointments - those who have won their slate or have LOAs.
The next wave usually comes after Jan 31, after the MOC deadline for turning in their slate.
More will go out after the file completion deadline, which is FEB 28
Then, the appointments trickle out after that until the class is full.
I say 'usually' in all of the above, because admissions can change year to year how they do things. 'Usually' just means what has happened in the past.
This is the time of angst, worry, stress, and constant checking of the mail and portals for the candidates (and the parents).
Hang it there.
Continue to update your file until the deadline 0f FEB 28.
Good luck!