Army ROTC Orientation Question


5-Year Member
Jun 4, 2013
I am going starting the Army ROTC in the fall as a sophomore. I am taking MS 101 and MS 201 classes. I was wondering how orientation works for people like me who join later. On my class schedule I have my MS 201 two days before my first MS 101 class. Is orientation needed before I can attended MS 201? I feel awkward having my MS 201 class before MS 101 but my schedule doesn't permit me from doing so. The cadre I talked to didn't seemed worried about this when he cleared me to sign up for the ROTC classes. These forums are heavily used and I was justing wondering if anybody was in a similar situation. Also as far as I know there isn't a orientation week before normal classes start for ROTC cadets.
Your Battalion doesn't have orientation for first year cadets?

I think most Battalions have orientation; you might want to check with your ROO.
You will most likely attend the Orientation your Battalion has for first year fresman cadets.

As Thompson suggested, contact your Battalion and find out when orientation is scheduled, they should send you some information before you arrive at school.
I have contacted the campus ROTC but I can't get through to them so I decided to post on here. Yeah it is early but I work at a summer job and my boss wants to know my final day. I hope they contact me back ASAP.
I'd recommend calling/emailing them on a regular basis even if you still can't get a hold of them (this truly shows that you're interested).

I wouldn't be too concerned if you can't get a hold of them. This is summer time, when a lot of cadre are out on training (ie: LDAC, LTC, CULP, etc) and on leave - leaving just skeleton crews at the Battalion. This can depend on the size of the Battalion too; bigger Bat's can have more cadre members than smaller Bat's.

Try to see if you have any friends, who have friends their in the Army program that could hopefully help you find out more about orientation.
Orientation is something each Battalion does differently, so contacting your Battalion is going to be the best move. That being said, if they haven't contacted you about an orientation there is a chance that they don't have an orientation. Don't worry about having one class before the other. It's not rocket science, isn't necessarily taught sequentially. You'll be fine as long as you attend all the classes and training and participate fully. If the Cadre member said you would be OK, believe him.