Army ROTC, The Citadel, and Norwich


Apr 4, 2017
Hello, I'm currently a high school junior looking to get an ROTC scholarship for either The Citadel or Norwich. ROTC isn't something I want to do for the money, I want to make the army my career and this is what I believe is the best way to go about it. Plus, my parents want me to get a college education instead of just enlisting. Currently I have a 3.2 GPA, but this year I'm getting mostly A's and 1 B I've been in all honors classes through my three years except for math. My guidance counselor said my GPA would go up and not to worry. I have 7 varsity letters and was just named as a soccer captain for the fall season at my school, I will also probably be getting track captainship for both outdoor and indoor seasons. I did two years of Krav Maga. I have 56 hours of community service and I work all summer long at this camp. The work at the camp is extremely physical and there are no days off for 10 weeks. I'm a link leader, which is an upperclassmen who introduces and leads incoming freshmen into the school year. I was also picked as a member of game change, this program that focuses on spreading awareness for anti-violence. Only 30 kids out of the entire school were picked, including myself. I haven't taken the SAT's or ACT's yet, but I'm signed up to. What do my admissions chances look like for both schools and getting an ROTC scholarship?
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You would get in to Norwich.
You stand a good chance of getting an AROTC scholarship depending on SAT/ACT score(s).
With that GPA you may get a 3yr. Norwich has very generous financial aid to help you pay for your first year.
Several Norwich 3 yr Cadets were upgraded to 3.5 this year.
You would get in to Norwich.
You stand a good chance of getting an AROTC scholarship depending on SAT/ACT score(s).
With that GPA you may get a 3yr. Norwich has very generous financial aid to help you pay for your first year.
Several Norwich 3 yr Cadets were upgraded to 3.5 this year.
Okay, thank you so much! Any idea about The Citadel? Are you a Norwich alum?
The scholarship window will open up around 20 JUN 17, and I encourage you to apply. Norwich will accept you based on what their ROO tells me. Are you open to normal colleges or are you sold on attending an SMC?
The scholarship window will open up around 20 JUN 17, and I encourage you to apply. Norwich will accept you based on what their ROO tells me. Are you open to normal colleges or are you sold on attending an SMC?
I will most definitely shoot for that, no pun intended. I am pretty focused on an SMC, do you have any other recommendations? Thank you.
Ha! I'm sure he has many he might recommend, including Siena College which is, in fact, a wonderful institution. However it's pretty hard to recommend a college without some information on your intended major. This is not unimportant as even if you complete your dream of a military career, one must wonder what one might do after it. Of course there is always the possibility you might decide to leave the military at some point or you might become injured and are unable to continue.
Unless you bomb your SAT/ACT, you will get into The Citadel.

"ROTC isn't something I want to do for the money, I want to make the army my career and this is what I believe is the best way to go about it"

Not sure what you mean by that. You mean if that you did Princeton or Yale Rotc that would somehow diminish your military career. I know I am going with an extreme case especially as a 3.2 wont get you either of those schools. I am hardly an expert on anything military and you might be right that going to the Citadel or Norwich will give you a boost to your military career, but I wouldn't dismiss going doing ROTC through an excellent college or University You can do whatever you want, but dont understand why ROTC wouldnt be an option
Actually, Humey makes a good point. After you commission no one will care which school you went to and the playing field should be even by the end of the first year of active duty. Folks will only care about results, not what college you attended. Further, I'm sure you noticed there is no emblem on a uniform that identifies your alma mater.

Make your choice based on what environment you think you will thrive in. For some folks that's an SMC, for others it's a traditional college.
Hello, I'm currently a high school junior looking to get an ROTC scholarship for either The Citadel or Norwich. ROTC isn't something I want to do for the money, I want to make the army my career and this is what I believe is the best way to go about it. Plus, my parents want me to get a college education instead of just enlisting. Currently I have a 3.2 GPA, but this year I'm getting mostly A's and 1 B I've been in all honors classes through my three years except for math. My guidance counselor said my GPA would go up and not to worry. I have 7 varsity letters and was just named as a soccer captain for the fall season at my school, I will also probably be getting track captainship for both outdoor and indoor seasons. I did two years of Krav Maga. I have 56 hours of community service and I work all summer long at this camp. The work at the camp is extremely physical and there are no days off for 10 weeks. I'm a link leader, which is an upperclassmen who introduces and leads incoming freshmen into the school year. I was also picked as a member of game change, this program that focuses on spreading awareness for anti-violence. Only 30 kids out of the entire school were picked, including myself. I haven't taken the SAT's or ACT's yet, but I'm signed up to. What do my admissions chances look like for both schools and getting an ROTC scholarship?

This isn't really a response to your question since there's already plenty of those above. But as a senior who completed the process this year.. START EARLY. Try to have everything done before the first board deadline (they'll be available once the application opens).
Hello, I'm currently a high school junior looking to get an ROTC scholarship for either The Citadel or Norwich. ROTC isn't something I want to do for the money, I want to make the army my career and this is what I believe is the best way to go about it. Plus, my parents want me to get a college education instead of just enlisting. Currently I have a 3.2 GPA, but this year I'm getting mostly A's and 1 B I've been in all honors classes through my three years except for math. My guidance counselor said my GPA would go up and not to worry. I have 7 varsity letters and was just named as a soccer captain for the fall season at my school, I will also probably be getting track captainship for both outdoor and indoor seasons. I did two years of Krav Maga. I have 56 hours of community service and I work all summer long at this camp. The work at the camp is extremely physical and there are no days off for 10 weeks. I'm a link leader, which is an upperclassmen who introduces and leads incoming freshmen into the school year. I was also picked as a member of game change, this program that focuses on spreading awareness for anti-violence. Only 30 kids out of the entire school were picked, including myself. I haven't taken the SAT's or ACT's yet, but I'm signed up to. What do my admissions chances look like for both schools and getting an ROTC scholarship?

This isn't really a response to your question since there's already plenty of those above. But as a senior who completed the process this year.. START EARLY. Try to have everything done before the first board deadline (they'll be available once the application opens).
When is the first and second deadline usually? And what did your stats look like? Do mine look alright?
After you commission no one will care which school you went to

Especially the Enlisted folks who will report to you and on whose performance your results will be based.

Here's a hint: a 19 year old E-2 from Belzoni, Mississippi is an entirely different animal than an underclassman at an SA or SMC.
What do my admissions chances look like for both schools and getting an ROTC scholarship?
Regarding the AROTC scholarship, look at the stats for incoming class for USMA, since the scholarship is frequently a plan B for SA applicants, you should shoot for those numbers. With that in mind you already know that your GPA is on the low side for a scholarship. Good luck!
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When is the first and second deadline usually? And what did your stats look like? Do mine look alright?

This year they were in October and January. Your stats look stronger than mine honestly as long as you test fairly decent you should be fine. I had a mediocre fitness test with no varsity letters but great everything else and didn't finish my application until the day of the deadline for the third board. 32 ACT, 3.2 GPA, and about 7 extra curricular activities that I led. I got a 3 year offer to 3 of the 4 schools I listed.
When is the first and second deadline usually? And what did your stats look like? Do mine look alright?

This year they were in October and January. Your stats look stronger than mine honestly as long as you test fairly decent you should be fine. I had a mediocre fitness test with no varsity letters but great everything else and didn't finish my application until the day of the deadline for the third board. 32 ACT, 3.2 GPA, and about 7 extra curricular activities that I led. I got a 3 year offer to 3 of the 4 schools I listed.
Okay fantastic, what schools did you get the scholarships for?
Ha! I'm sure he has many he might recommend, including Siena College which is, in fact, a wonderful institution. However it's pretty hard to recommend a college without some information on your intended major. This is not unimportant as even if you complete your dream of a military career, one must wonder what one might do after it. Of course there is always the possibility you might decide to leave the military at some point or you might become injured and are unable to continue.

That is correct, and if you are really smart I would try to steer you to either Union College or RPI. The big reason I ask, is that many applicants think they have to go to an SMC in order to get active duty or do well in the Army. As stated earlier, the only people who care on whether you went to a SMC or SA is others who went. A 2LT is a 2LT. The only thing the Army cares about is what are you doing for me today? You should pick the school that has the best environment and academic program for you. Academics is your number one priority in college, not drill and ceremony, demerits, etc.

I graduated from SUNY Oswego myself, a very low prestige school, and still got selected for active duty and was successful in the Army. How well you do, depends on you.