Is it a problem that I’m still board ready?
sameMy sons has been boarded since the first board.
The Army keeps boarded applications on the OML (Order of Merit List) and awards scholarships based off of that list. So if you sons make the cut for this board they will be notified within a few weeks of the conclusion of this board. If not then they will stay on the list for the final board in March. I got this info from the AROTC application btw.sameMy sons has been boarded since the first board.
How do you see if you are boarded/what does that mean??? Just wonderingYes, I have been boarded since Monday. Anxiously awaiting a reply. We should hear back within 10-14 days of the conclusion of the board.
How do you see if you are boarded/what does that mean??? Just wondering
I’m applying for AFROTC by the way if that helps
I’m still board ready bud, but if you’re boarded you’ll find out 2-4 weeks from now if you have received a scholarship and where to.Has anyone else’s status changed to Boarded/Under Consideration? Does anyone know if this means that I just need to wait or that I’ll be considered again during the third board? I figured the first when I saw the change. However, the description when I scroll down says I was boarded but not selected and will have an opportunity in a remaining board.
I'm pretty sure the boarded/under consideration is for people who were boarded for the first board and weren't selected. It seems to be the same as boarded.Has anyone else’s status changed to Boarded/Under Consideration? Does anyone know if this means that I just need to wait or that I’ll be considered again during the third board? I figured the first when I saw the change. However, the description when I scroll down says I was boarded but not selected and will have an opportunity in a remaining board.
I'm pretty sure the boarded/under consideration is for people who were boarded for the first board and weren't selected. It seems to be the same as boarded.
I don't think this was even an option after the first board, nor was there an option for 'Not Selected', which their is now. Unless of course I am remembering it all incorrectly.I'm pretty sure the boarded/under consideration is for people who were boarded for the first board and weren't selected. It seems to be the same as boarded.
I was thinking the same thing.. We have been boarded since round 1 and just changed to this status today... Almost seems redundant, like we are "still boarded". If it means we weren't chosen in the second round, then why wouldn't his status have been changed to this after the first round?
Also, maybe I have skipped right over it in the past, but was that option always there? I thought it went from "boarded" to "winner". But maybe that was hopeful thinking!
That option was not there before.I don't think this was even an option after the first board, nor was there an option for 'Not Selected', which their is now. Unless of course I am remembering it all incorrectly.I'm pretty sure the boarded/under consideration is for people who were boarded for the first board and weren't selected. It seems to be the same as boarded.
I was thinking the same thing.. We have been boarded since round 1 and just changed to this status today... Almost seems redundant, like we are "still boarded". If it means we weren't chosen in the second round, then why wouldn't his status have been changed to this after the first round?
Also, maybe I have skipped right over it in the past, but was that option always there? I thought it went from "boarded" to "winner". But maybe that was hopeful thinking!
When you log into the application click on the Continue/Update Application button and then click on the Selection Status tab and there it displays your status and a brief description of what it means.How do you see if you are boarded/what does that mean??? Just wonderingYes, I have been boarded since Monday. Anxiously awaiting a reply. We should hear back within 10-14 days of the conclusion of the board.