Hmmm...IMHO, we get counsel and a lot more on SAF with folks like CAPT MJ, Hoops, USNABGO08, and a long list of distinguished and caring contributors!
You are right, we do get a lot of great information on this forum. It has been over a year since I read the book, but I'll tell you what I remember. The author grew up a military brat, I think she was in ROTC for a while, is married to a military officer, and has four kids who ended up being officers -- one each in the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines. I think that three of them went through USNA -- even the daughter who ended up being an officer in the Air Force. (But, I wouldn't swear to that.)
Do I think you should buy the book? Not really. A lot of the messages you get from the book, you already get from this forum: you need to let go, cut the apron strings, embrace the suck, realize they belong to the military now, develop new interests/hobbies, etc... I did get some insight into some things about life after the academy that I hadn't really thought about. Of course, this forum has a section on Life After the Academy and often has threads relating to life in the services. Honestly, I sometimes get lost in the acronyms in those sections. So, at this point, I just don't really read them because that's a few years away for my son.
I do think there are certain moms (probably not those on this forum) who need to hear some of the messages in the book. On our 2019 Facebook page, there were a lot of moms having a really hard time with letting go. They didn't understand that they wouldn't necessarily be called when their kid was sick or injured. They would call USNA over little things. Or they just had a hard time letting go and confessed to laying in their Plebe's bed and crying a lot. Some of the advice in the book would probably help. She advised some things like taking up a hobby (I believe she knitted), or getting in shape themselves while their Plebes went through Plebe Summer. So, I do think some moms who are struggling would get some advice from the book. I feel like between this forum and a great Parent Club President, I knew enough about what to expect that I didn't gain a whole lot from the book. You could always just check it out from your library.
This forum is great for information. Just realize that sometimes information is dated, and things change with different Superintendents and Commandants and may differ by Company. Those who are USNA alums, usually qualify their answers with that disclaimer. A really good source of up-to-date information is Elizabeth Beedendbender who is the Parent Program Coordinator and runs the official USNA Alumni Association and Foundation Parent Page found here: (Hope that works.)