CPT Army (Next month, Inshallah) - Big 10 U AROTC Chemistry. Army Signal, Signal Officer for SF Group.
Heavy math is the only part of the degree--but an essential part--critical to having success in Signal Branch. What you do with your electives (Comp Sci, Language) and free time (internships, summer camps, language immersion) is where you make yourself more attractive for higher speed deployments. This would be the case with almost any branch.
What no one ever says on this forum is that there are many Officers who start the 20 year countdown as soon as they go active. They skate along with their peers wondering how the hell he/she still has a job. Even worse they aren't respected by their subordinates. This makes a very attractive environment for those who are inquisitive, fit, innovative, and know how to get the most out of the ranks that report to them. I can't think of a civilian job in which a freshly minted BA/BS gets the responsibility and access to resources equal to that of a freshly minted 2LT/Ensign. You're best off preparing to make the most your service obligation. During that time your future plans will almost unfold by themselves, whether it is a life in the Military, Graduate school, or starting a career in the civilian world .
Given your career goals, none of anything you've read will mean anything if you can't get the security clearance.
I think I know what I am going to study
Whatever you study, make sure you love it and make it the focus of your attention. Broaden from there, again based on what you love.
Best of luck!