cadet taxes


5-Year Member
Mar 25, 2012
We had a quick question about taxes. Can a C4C still be counted on the family taxes for 2012?

Thanks for the link! Just the info that we needed, and this saved having to search through many past threads!!
Quick answer: if they reported to BCT on or before June 30th, yes. July 1st or later: no. for USAFA cadets, then, the answer is no.
The amount of financial support has to be >50% for the year, 6 months is not the most relevant stat. I have at home a info sheet we received re: claiming your cadet. Most parents could claim their 4C if they lived at home until reporting to basic. Remember you may have also supported them at Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks. No one can claim a 3C.
I think that would be very difficult to say one "supported" a cadet who was receiving a paycheck, then have to count out the days or hours s/he was home in November, then for 6 days in Dec (unless he's on a sports team and was gone for 37-1/2 hours to a tournament)... you see where this is going.

But, I am sure your AOC or similar will give cadets all the info.

The biggest problem mine had was getting their state and local taxes done from employment before they reported to USAFA.
My DD is a 3C, she had an USAFA publication, ? cadet handbook? page 23 that addresses this subject in depth. I whish I knew how to transfer this info efficiently. Support includes cost of clothing, medical, dental, education, insurance premiums, transportation, Christmas presents etc. Tuition and expenses for school prior to Academy, family food bill, utilities, fair rental value for lodging also count. For 2011, the amount contributed by a cadet was set at $21,000 for one semester. if parental support/contribution exceeded this amount, they could be claimed by their parents as a dependent