CFA Feedback


Jun 28, 2024
I took the CFA a while ago at NASS, and I am wondering if it would be worth it to retake it. I have very good academic stats. I know I will not max the CFA; therefore, I don't know if it would be worth the extra time to try to slightly improve these scores and retake it. Any advice is greatly appreciated!

CFA Stats (Male):
BB Throw - 66'
Pull-ups - 8
Shuttle Run - 8.31
Pushups - 54
Sit-ups - 72
1 Mile Run - 6:17
Current junior/2-degree at USAFA -- I would suggest increasing your pushups, sit ups, and pull ups. Other than the mile run everything else is still below the average times and stats for males that USAFA has on its physical requirements website. Those three areas I mentioned are the most attainable if you consistently do it every single day. Maxxing in certain areas can balance your overall CFA score and ffset the areas that you are struggling in.

When I took it 2 yrs ago, I maxed pushups and situps, got close to max on pull ups and the mile. BB throw and shuttle run were below average, but still passed.
I would retake it. Not because it isnt competitive, bc it is. But bc you only have 1 shot at this. Do everything possible to get in. If you can get 10 pullups and 60 pushups instead, go ahead. If you can get 10 more points on your SAT, take it. Every bit counts.
My guess, and this is only a guess, your pullups are borderline, at best.
One other point: I emphasize to all of my students that the CFA is not an 'end,' but the start of a commitment to physical fitness as a military officer candidate. Their workout routines must be 'routine' and continue throughout the school year and summer as they prepare to arrive at the Academy, or on the college campus, ready to meet the fitness requirements for any program -- USAFA, USNA, AFROTC, or NROTC.