cfa scores

  1. A

    CFA Feedback

    I took the CFA a while ago at NASS, and I am wondering if it would be worth it to retake it. I have very good academic stats. I know I will not max the CFA; therefore, I don't know if it would be worth the extra time to try to slightly improve these scores and retake it. Any advice is greatly...
  2. S

    competitive CFA scores?

    Hello everyone, just wanted to see what ya'll thought and where I should improve. Soon I am going to take a mock CFA, these are all done at seperate times, apart from the crunches and situps. here are my current scores 5:57 Mile 73 crunches 42 pushups 11 pullups Have'nt tried B-Ball throw yet...
  3. J

    How long should a CFA approval take?

    I originally submitted all of it in December, and got my waiver approved in late January, but it still says, "SCORE IS ON FILE AND PENDING REVIEW" How long should this realistically take? At first I understood the small team had to go through a lot of reviews, but I'm starting to get concerned...
  4. W

    Acceptable CFA Score?

    Hey everyone, I took my CFA recently and think I did well on everything but the pushups. My proctor said it was my call if I wanted to submit my score but he recommended not sending it. What do you all think? My scores (I am a male) were: Pushups: 31, Basketball throw: 74'2", Pull-ups: 8...
  5. S

    CFA Improvement help

    Hi everyone, I'm currently a Junior and I got accepted into Session 2 of SLE. I want to hopefully get a super good CFA score at SLE so I don't have to take it again. I do a practice CFA every other week and my sit-up, push-up, and mile has been steadily improving but mainly my basketball throw...
  6. S

    Is this a disqualifying score?

    Yesterday we took our CFA. Prior to this we had another one in December. The Defense Attache Office says that they will take the best out of the two and send in our scores. So far if I remember correctly, my scores were: Basketball Throw: 70 ft. Pull-Ups: 12 Shuttle Run: 8.3 seconds? Modified...
  7. J

    CFA Scores Pass or Fail?

    Hey guys, I just took the fitness test today, and these are my scores (I am a male) : 58ft basketball (I have no idea what happened, I never practiced it properly) 14 pullups 8.66 shuttle 64 situps 41 pushups 7:30 mile I compared these to the averages on the West Point website and the only...
  8. N

    Acceptable CFA Score?

    Hey y'all - I just took my CFA, and am very anxious about whether or not I passed (mostly my mile time). I am a male. I'll post my scores below, and if anyone has access to the score calculator or any personal experience with their scores I would greatly appreciate it: 62.3 foot basketball...
  9. N

    Acceptable CFA Score

    Hey all - I have been training for the CFA for a few months now, and just took my final practice test before the actual administration next week. These are my scores, and I was wondering if you guys think they would be accepted or not (I am a male): Pullups: 9 Basketball Throw: 68 Shuttle run...
  10. G

    CFA scores- Pass/Fail?

    Hello, I Just did my CFA for USAFA and I’m wondering if I might have to retake it. I am a male. Scores: BB throw: 62 ft Pull ups 12 Shuttle Run: 8.61s Modified Sit ups: 75 Push ups: 52 Mile: 7:10 I know nothing is above average but I’m hoping that each section is at least above the “minimum.”
  11. A

    Failed First CFA- Offered Retake, Now What?

    Hello. The title says it all. I took the CFA today and failed it, I assume, because they sent me an email saying they want me to retake it in 30 days. I’m not sure what to do, because they don’t give minimums. My run was bad, but all my other scores were decent, or so I thought. Do they offer...
  12. Z


    QUESTIONS: 1. Do I qualify given that my push-ups and mile time are sub-par? 2. If I submit my results, can a resubmit improved results? I would like a definitive answer on the second question because I would like to keep submitting my improved results. THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP! SCORES: - BB...
  13. S

    CFA Failure

    What are the passing standards for the CFA? I sent in the following scores and the CFA was rejected for low scores. I am a male BB: 65 ft Pull-up: 8 Shuttle: 9.1 Push up: 38 Sit up: 53 Mile: 8:03
  14. S

    Passing CFA Scores?

    Just wanted to throw my scores up on here and see what y'all thought. This is the last part of my application for USMA. I already have a principal nomination and am medically qualified. Please give any advice on what I should focus on if I need to re-take. BB Throw: 62 Pull-ups: 9 Shuttle Run...
  15. S

    CFA Scores

    I have my CFA tomorrow and I want to know if these scores would be considered passing. BB throw: 65’ Pull-ups: 7 Shuttle run: 10.3 sec Sit-ups: 50 Push ups: 45 One-mile run: 8:25 NOTE: I have never done the CFA before, or have practiced under testing conditions.
  16. Ant345

    CFA Are these passing scores?

    Are these passing scores? BB Throw 74ft Pull-Ups 6 Shuttle Run 8.6 Sit Ups 83 Push-Ups 39 (I did 42 but at least 37/38 are done with perfect form) One mile run 6:29 BTW Happy Christmas to everyone 😁🎄
  17. Ant345


    Hi guys, I almost completed my application and received two nominations, the last thing missing is one video, I did my CFA with these scores: BB throw 74 ft Pull-ups 6 Shuttle run 8.6 Sit-Ups 83 One Mile run 6:29 USMA told me to retake only the push-ups video, the dilemma is that I recorded...
  18. Y

    CFA Scores question

    Just a few questions I had regarding the CFA 1.) How quickly is the CFA usually graded upon submission? 2.) Am I allowed to have a CFA score on standby just in case my first one does not pass?
  19. Y

    CFA Passing Scores?

    Basketball Throw - 75 ft Pullups - 8 Shuttle Run - 9.5 Sit-ups - 87 Push-up - 58 Mile Run - 6:24 My shuttle run is the one that is concerning to me at the moment. I havent practiced it as much so any tips?
  20. SandBaby

    CFA Total Score???

    Hello! I've seen this question in a few other threads, but I can't find a direct answer. What does the "Total Score" CFA status refer to? (Naval Academy portal) My "Total Score" is 357.98. I have no idea what that means. How does this score affect my profile? Is my total score bad? While...