CFA opportunities in Wisconsin?


5-Year Member
May 28, 2018
Does anyone know of a private/public gym, high school, college/university campus or military base/armory in Wisconsin that offers to proctor official Candidate Fitness Assessments (CFA) for Service Academy and/or ROTC candidates?

My DS has e-mailed the same question to his academy liaisons and is waiting for their responses.

We know that high school gym coaches sometimes will facilitate them, but my DS is homeschooled and our three local high schools claim to be unfamiliar with the CFA and are unwilling to try to do anything new or special for someone who is not already one of their students.

We also know that candidates can video-record a self-proctored CFA, and we will do that if we must, but that would be a last resort.

We would appreciate and be thankful for any help, guidance and advice anyone can offer.