My DS received the NROTC scholarship. When he applied he indicated a Tier 2 Civil Engineering degree. This is also the major he indicated on his college apps. He's been doing some research and thinks he wants to major in Mechanical instead. I know the school he is interested in incorporates numerous engineering fields in their freshman curriculum so he would have the opportunity to experience both first before making a steadfast decision at school. I suggested that he wait before changing anything (both school and NROTC) until after freshman year when he takes that intro to engineering class just in case he likes Civil. I know he would have no problem with changing majors at school, but does anyone have any insight with NROTC if he decided to change from Civil to Mechanical. I would assume there shouldn't be a problem since it's a Tier 2 to a Tier 1 major. Do you agree its a good idea to wait. Thoughts?