Contact the det., and ask them if they talk to admissions. Some do. In other words, they say to admissions we offered an in college scholarship for this school alone, we want him/her. It is basically a back door way of admittance.
I know for a fact that UNCCH does this or at least did it back in 08.
Just explain to them as much as the scholarship is appealing, we have no definitive answer on being accepted, which concerns you since this would be basically putting all eggs in one basket.
Also, many colleges have programs that waive Room and Board or offers at a reduced rate for ROTC. Have you checked to see with the college if they do this for ROTC cadets.
Not every college does, it really can be a hit or miss. Both public and private have these things
Here is the list that SAF posters have compiled regarding schools, so before you call you may want to see if they are on the list. Even if they aren't it means nothing, because maybe no poster has applied to that school yet.
Good luck
OBTW the thread is long, but free money is worth 30 minutes of reading time, right?