Here are his stats. Does he stand a chance?
Currently has one nom
CFA is OK (no pullup, everything else is good with a 6:15 mile)
SAT 680 M 620 E
ACT 31 M 21 E (29 Composite, 35 Science)
top 20 % in very competitive HS
Eagle Scout
Class Officer
Varsity Track, Cross Country
Band, Choir
Elected to city Teen Board
Writing/English (obviously) is not his strong point, but we're hoping his Math/Science scores will help.
Currently has one nom
CFA is OK (no pullup, everything else is good with a 6:15 mile)
SAT 680 M 620 E
ACT 31 M 21 E (29 Composite, 35 Science)
top 20 % in very competitive HS
Eagle Scout
Class Officer
Varsity Track, Cross Country
Band, Choir
Elected to city Teen Board
Writing/English (obviously) is not his strong point, but we're hoping his Math/Science scores will help.