Re the multiple SA question . . .
It's not uncommon for folks to apply to more than one SA. I don't think anyone sees it as a negative (I never have). Some people want to keep their options open and others have yet to decide which SA is best for them. As to how to handle it --
(1) Be truthful. If asked if applying to more than one SA and you are, acknowledge it. Whoever is asking may already know or be able to find out.
(2) Have an idea of what your first choice is. Some MOCs may require you to choose only one SA (often happens in competitive geographic areas).
(3) Stick with your decision. See point (1) above. Don't tell one person/entity your first choice is USNA and tell someone else your first choice is USMA. Don't even try that with your BGO/ALO. For me, it's okay if someone's first choice is USAFA but is also seriously considering USNA.
(4) Caveat to point (3) above -- it's okay to change what you say if your choice actually changes. This happened to me. I was all set to go to USCGA until I visited. It was too small for my taste and, coming from a very small high school, I realized I wanted a "college" where I didn't know everyone inside of a week.
Thus, I originally told USCGA that, if accepted, I'd go there. But I changed my mind. Going forward, I explained my change of heart to those who asked and it was fine.
(5) If you're uncertain re your first choice, say so. Explain what you like about each SA and have a plan for making your decision.
(6) Do NOT denigrate another SA. First, you never know whether the person to whom you're speaking has ties to that SA or service. Second, it's really not impressive. There is a comaraderie among SAs and, while a bit of good-natured ribbing is fun, denigrating a fellow SA doesn't earn you bonus points.
(7) Bottom line: Explain why your first choice is your first choice and then explain why you also are very high on your second choice. You might also want to have an explanation as to why you didn't apply to one or more SAs (i.e., I'm not interested in USMA because my father was a career Army officer and I really want to do something different).
Hope this helps.