Current Service applicant for class of 2029/2030, commander nomination issue and academics


New Member
Jul 19, 2022
Hi all,
I am a currently serving reservist on active orders interested in West Point. While I am currently applying for class of 2029, an upcoming deployment may or may not bump me to apply for class of 2030.

An issue arises with my commander nomination. My current unit commander has been with the unit only a few months and all that time was with the forward element as they ramped up and eventually deployed. My rear Detachment Commander has been with the unit for even less than our Deployed Commander. To top this off, I have started transfer paperwork to a unit closer to me, this new unit is set to deploy (this will only affect the class I am applying for if I am deployed).
The issue being- none of these commanders know me. Not as in know my name. But know me. They know I exist, but ask them about me they probably won't know much. I see/saw them when they came in for their Battle Assembly/Drill and that's it. But the NCO's I work with daily know me. I know they can't write the nomination but could a letter from a NCO I've worked closely with be beneficial in my application or included in the nomination somehow?
I am applying for congressional nominations as well.

While getting in directly to USMA would be ideal, I recognize that my academics back in High school and when I was doing college in HS were nowhere near what those who go to West Point right after high school score. I recognize that I may have to go to USMAPS first, this is something I would be ok with.
My academics and "experience."-

In high school I was the Commander of the JROTC unit my senior year. In previous years I was a Platoon Commander and Public Affairs Officer. I earned my Eagle scout rank and am still in a active leadership role in a BSA crew. I wrestled Varsity until Covid came around. I had hundreds of hours of recorded community service hours as well. On top of this, I worked Part time during the school year and full time over the summers.

Academically I was an A/B student in my Honors classes, I took no AP classes. I participated in dual enrollment (attending my local community college in high school, online only, once again, thanks covid). I was an A/B student with 1 or 2 C's in there.
I scored around a 1200 on the SAT and never tested on the ACT. I was offered a National ROTC Scholarship my senior year.

Physically I am scoring 500+ on the ACFT.
I have (obviously) been through MEPS but also a DODMERB before. (passed both, no issues).

In the reserves I am my units Armorer and a "Supply Clerk."

Any and all advice is welcomed. Thank you all!
Hi all,
I am a currently serving reservist on active orders interested in West Point. While I am currently applying for class of 2029, an upcoming deployment may or may not bump me to apply for class of 2030.

An issue arises with my commander nomination. My current unit commander has been with the unit only a few months and all that time was with the forward element as they ramped up and eventually deployed. My rear Detachment Commander has been with the unit for even less than our Deployed Commander. To top this off, I have started transfer paperwork to a unit closer to me, this new unit is set to deploy (this will only affect the class I am applying for if I am deployed).
The issue being- none of these commanders know me. Not as in know my name. But know me. They know I exist, but ask them about me they probably won't know much. I see/saw them when they came in for their Battle Assembly/Drill and that's it. But the NCO's I work with daily know me. I know they can't write the nomination but could a letter from a NCO I've worked closely with be beneficial in my application or included in the nomination somehow?
I am applying for congressional nominations as well.

While getting in directly to USMA would be ideal, I recognize that my academics back in High school and when I was doing college in HS were nowhere near what those who go to West Point right after high school score. I recognize that I may have to go to USMAPS first, this is something I would be ok with.
My academics and "experience."-

In high school I was the Commander of the JROTC unit my senior year. In previous years I was a Platoon Commander and Public Affairs Officer. I earned my Eagle scout rank and am still in a active leadership role in a BSA crew. I wrestled Varsity until Covid came around. I had hundreds of hours of recorded community service hours as well. On top of this, I worked Part time during the school year and full time over the summers.

Academically I was an A/B student in my Honors classes, I took no AP classes. I participated in dual enrollment (attending my local community college in high school, online only, once again, thanks covid). I was an A/B student with 1 or 2 C's in there.
I scored around a 1200 on the SAT and never tested on the ACT. I was offered a National ROTC Scholarship my senior year.

Physically I am scoring 500+ on the ACFT.
I have (obviously) been through MEPS but also a DODMERB before. (passed both, no issues).

In the reserves I am my units Armorer and a "Supply Clerk."

Any and all advice is welcomed. Thank you all!
Your company commander should still support your packet. Set an appointment to talk to them. A soldier in one of my companies is at USMAPS now and it seems the process is a little smoother once you are already enlisted his USMA liaison helped out a lot. So talk to your USMA liaison first. If you have issues on the reserve side DM me, I'm a senior officer in the reserves.
Your company commander should still support your packet. Set an appointment to talk to them. A soldier in one of my companies is at USMAPS now and it seems the process is a little smoother once you are already enlisted his USMA liaison helped out a lot. So talk to your USMA liaison first. If you have issues on the reserve side DM me, I'm a senior officer in the reserves.
Thank you sir. The deployed Commander would be the closest thing I have to a "Company Commander" per my Chain of Command Counseling I received after the change of command. I will reach out to him.
I think you're selling yourself a little short. You have a great background to start off with. On top of that, the reserve/national guard slots are almost never full (This year I think there's like 30 of us and I believe there's around 100 authorized). All you have to do is schedule some kind of interview with your company commander, work hard with your first line NCOs/1SG and work on your packet while you're deployed. Looking at your academics, you and I match up very closely, and I was offered a direct appointment out of the reserves. To help get rid of that self-doubt, note that I did extracurriculars but was not a star by any means. I barely even did any community service. I think I can confidently say you 100% can do this!

I believe the hardest part by far will be staying on your command team. As I'm sure you know, reserve units rarely function well and it's almost always a pain to get anything done. If you stay on them though pretty much constantly, every drill or BA, you can get it done.
I think you're selling yourself a little short. You have a great background to start off with. On top of that, the reserve/national guard slots are almost never full (This year I think there's like 30 of us and I believe there's around 100 authorized). All you have to do is schedule some kind of interview with your company commander, work hard with your first line NCOs/1SG and work on your packet while you're deployed. Looking at your academics, you and I match up very closely, and I was offered a direct appointment out of the reserves. To help get rid of that self-doubt, note that I did extracurriculars but was not a star by any means. I barely even did any community service. I think I can confidently say you 100% can do this!

I believe the hardest part by far will be staying on your command team. As I'm sure you know, reserve units rarely function well and it's almost always a pain to get anything done. If you stay on them though pretty much constantly, every drill or BA, you can get it done.
Thank you for your reply! It definitely boosted my confidence. My current unit is definitely a mess. I will work with my new unit, which I've heard amazing things about. I may be forced to push my class year to 2030 or maybe even 2031. But it is something I am willing to do in order to deploy. I did do the math to make sure I would be able to apply for those class years due to my age as well.

Did you try for a congressional nomination or?
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Thank you for your reply! It definitely boosted my confidence. My current unit is definitely a mess. I will work with my new unit, which I've heard amazing things about. I may be forced to push my class year to 2030 or maybe even 2031. But it is something I am willing to do in order to deploy. I did do the math to make sure I would be able to apply for those class years due to my age as well.

Did you try for a congressional nomination or?
I personally did not try for the congressional nom. the nomination from my commander was way easier. However you are coming from a prior service background, and I think that would make any congressman or senator more likely to give you a nomination. Especially with your potential experience in a deployed environment.

Is there any particular reason you want to deploy instead of going to the USMA next year? Also any specific reason of why you want to go to West Point instead of OCS or ROTC?

Regarding letters of recommendation, you'll have a total of 5 evaluations. One will come from your commander, and that will serve as your nomination. Four will come from either your 1SG, platoon sergeants, first line NCOs, or the battallion SGM. Alternatively, if you have any good relationships with your old teachers, an English, Physics, or Math teacher can suffice as a source for evals.

Example Here:
I had evals from my 1SG, and my 3 platoon drill sergeants.

Example of what your army nomination will look like:

1 or 2 letters of recommendation from a West Point Alumni, Retired or Active Senior Officers, Drill Sergeants, or even old coaches (namely your wrestling coach) will seal the deal on that end.

The only thing that's a real pain after LORs is the CFA but its honestly pretty easy, but it does take some prep to complete the events. My friend that applied with me had to train for a couple months to be able to complete the pullups, and we both had to practice the ball throw a lot. Finding some time to train out the CFA events was helpful for me. Try and get your mile run time down below 7 minutes.

You got it! Just start planning now.
I personally did not try for the congressional nom. the nomination from my commander was way easier. However you are coming from a prior service background, and I think that would make any congressman or senator more likely to give you a nomination. Especially with your potential experience in a deployed environment.

Is there any particular reason you want to deploy instead of going to the USMA next year? Also any specific reason of why you want to go to West Point instead of OCS or ROTC?

Regarding letters of recommendation, you'll have a total of 5 evaluations. One will come from your commander, and that will serve as your nomination. Four will come from either your 1SG, platoon sergeants, first line NCOs, or the battallion SGM. Alternatively, if you have any good relationships with your old teachers, an English, Physics, or Math teacher can suffice as a source for evals.

Example Here:
I had evals from my 1SG, and my 3 platoon drill sergeants.

View attachment 15710
Example of what your army nomination will look like:
View attachment 15711

1 or 2 letters of recommendation from a West Point Alumni, Retired or Active Senior Officers, Drill Sergeants, or even old coaches (namely your wrestling coach) will seal the deal on that end.

The only thing that's a real pain after LORs is the CFA but its honestly pretty easy, but it does take some prep to complete the events. My friend that applied with me had to train for a couple months to be able to complete the pullups, and we both had to practice the ball throw a lot. Finding some time to train out the CFA events was helpful for me. Try and get your mile run time down below 7 minutes.

You got it! Just start planning now.
I just think the deployment will make me a better soldier/officer all around. No matter what I end up choosing as my commissions source.

I never considered WP until my previous commander recommended it. Looking at it they offer a major I am interested in, amazing club/sport opportunities and it seems to the the best option for my career overall.

I have a good relationship with my Medical program teacher (taught me 4 years and was my supervisor during our clinicals) and 2 of my Navy JROTC instructors. A Lieutenant Commander and Senior Chief.

I am also switching units, so having an additional year and maybe a deployment with them would allow my NCO’s and Commander to know me better and fill out the evals
How did you get in contact with your drill sergeants?