Oh wow...
My experiences are dated but here's the short version...she'll "deploy" fairly often unless the ops tempo has changed as we keep jets in several overseas locations. Her missions will be LONG...as a pilot, they're often kinda boring until you have guests or you go to refuel. There's a LOT she won't be able to tell you...a LOT. The plane is fun to fly, it's easy to fly but hard to fly well; it takes time and patience. The missions are SUPER IMPORTANT!! As for length of deployments...I don't know today; back in other times it was common to be either a 60 or up to 120 days. Offutt is...Offutt. Hot in summer, and humid; and arctic cold at times in the winter. LARGE city nearby (Omaha) great local communities. Oh yeah...they do have the occasional twister in the area.
Truthfully, with all that said, IMHO, this is one of the BEST drops you can get!!!!
Congratulations to her!!