

Jul 31, 2016
I have just found out I have been denied from the USAFA Summer Seminar. It hurts, as this is my first summer seminar application to one of the academies. The best I can do for now is keep pushing and stay positive. Congrats to those who got accepted. And for those who are in the same boat as me, do not worry. There are better things coming our way.

Hang in there--I know it is disappointing, but focus your attention on preparing for your Academy application next year instead. SS honestly doesn't matter that much in the long run as far as admissions chances go. Take it from someone who was also denied USAFA SS and is now a C3C. :thumb:

Good luck and PM me if you want to chat more about it.
Been there and felt that! But really, don't be discouraged and try not to worry about it too much. I was in the same boat last year -- denied from USAFA Summer Seminar. I was pretty devastated but I scoured the Internet for explanations. Ended up finding this forum and saw posts about others being rejected to Summer Seminars... but ultimately accepted to Academies. I also just received my appointment to USAFA Class of 2021 last month!

I ended up attending USNASS and enjoyed every second of it. Honestly, it made me a lot more open minded about applying to other academies so I highly recommend seriously considering any other Summer Seminar experience. Funnily enough, I was talking to one of my fellow candidates/squadmates who just received an appointment to USNA, and found out that he had been rejected from USAFA SS as well! We suspect it has something to do with us both having family members who attended USAFA. Since Summer Seminar is largely a recruitment tool, we were both fairly confident and knowledgeable about applying to USAFA already.

Good luck and stay focused!
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Don't feel discouraged...I was initially waitlisted for the program. I got a call a few days later and was accepted. The same may very well happen to you. But make no mistake, Summer Seminar is not the be all end all. It has no weight on your application. Keep your head up and press forward. Please PM me if you have any questions!!!!
I agree with the above. I was rejected to USNA NASS until May 20th, when they sent me an offer to go to the third session. Booked a ticket right away :D

You'll be fine! Keep up the hard work and stay determined.
I was in your shoes last year, but I stuck though it and got into the Naval Academy Summer Seminar. Try not to beat yourself up, or think any less of yourself, because getting into a summer seminar much different than getting into the academy (summer seminars are a basically a recruitment tool for unrepresented areas). Good luck, and keep on trucking!
I was denied from USAFA Summer Seminar and I received an appointment a few months ago in November. Being denied from Summer Seminar is not at all indicative of whether or not you'll get an appointment. Hang in there and keep working hard.
CHE...That is the spirit. It does not mean you won't get into the academy. Did you also apply to NASS and SLE? Did you apply to the Marine Corps' SLCDA (which is an awesome, awesome week in Quantico and DC--some great Marine Corps fun, a lot of leadership, and a lot of community service)?
Keep your options open and do not give up. Just make a plan as to how you will have a meaningful summer--while you prepare to submit your applications to your senators, congressman, the academies, ROTCs, and the rest of the colleges where you might use your ROTC scholarship. Good luck in the months to come.
Keep your chin up. Not getting in a summer seminar (or AIM) doesn't mean you won't get into an academy. My DS was 0-1 with USCGA AIM and 0-1 with NASS. And to boot, he was also 0-3 with USNA Summer STEM (8th - 10th grade). It happens. He has applied to the USAFA, USNA, and USCGA. He has three nominations, so we're hoping for at least one positive event to occur. I'm sure he would be totally happy with going 0-5 for summer events if it meant 1-0 when it came to appointments. :-)
CHE...That is the spirit. It does not mean you won't get into the academy. Did you also apply to NASS and SLE? Did you apply to the Marine Corps' SLCDA (which is an awesome, awesome week in Quantico and DC--some great Marine Corps fun, a lot of leadership, and a lot of community service)?
Keep your options open and do not give up. Just make a plan as to how you will have a meaningful summer--while you prepare to submit your applications to your senators, congressman, the academies, ROTCs, and the rest of the colleges where you might use your ROTC scholarship. Good luck in the months to come.
Thank you for your support.
Same here. My take on the service academy summer programs is this; it's a good indicator of where you stand, but it is primarily a recruiting tool so being denied doesn't mean you can't get in. Basically, it's good if you get in because it shows that you're somewhat competitive, but you can still get in without it. My academy of choice is West Point; I got into SLE but got denied from SS for Air Force, so I don't know, ha.
Keep your chin up. Not getting in a summer seminar (or AIM) doesn't mean you won't get into an academy. My DS was 0-1 with USCGA AIM and 0-1 with NASS. And to boot, he was also 0-3 with USNA Summer STEM (8th - 10th grade). It happens. He has applied to the USAFA, USNA, and USCGA. He has three nominations, so we're hoping for at least one positive event to occur. I'm sure he would be totally happy with going 0-5 for summer events if it meant 1-0 when it came to appointments. :)
I'm rooting for your DS !!
My DS did not get accepted to USAFA summer seminar last year and was devastated and heart broken. He is now a about 2 weeks away from acceptance day with the class of 2020. He thought he had no chance of obtaining an appointment because he was rejected for summer seminar. He is currently in the top third of his class in academics and the top 15% athletically so please do not let a summer seminar rejection letter discourage you from your ultimate goal of obtaining an appointment to USAFA. By they way he did not receive his appointment until April 9th well past mid March when the majority of appointments are given to applicants.
My DS did not get accepted to USAFA summer seminar last year and was devastated and heart broken. He is now a about 2 weeks away from acceptance day with the class of 2020. He thought he had no chance of obtaining an appointment because he was rejected for summer seminar. He is currently in the top third of his class in academics and the top 15% athletically so please do not let a summer seminar rejection letter discourage you from your ultimate goal of obtaining an appointment to USAFA. By they way he did not receive his appointment until April 9th well past mid March when the majority of appointments are given to applicants.
I meant to say recognition day on the previous post
Summer seminar is fun and educational and interesting... and has ABSOLUTELY ZERO BEARING ON YOUR POSSIBLE FUTURE APPOINTMENT.

It is akin to the summer programs many colleges run now: get the kids there and show 'em a good time, then they'll want to go there.

So, get a couple great summer jobs, take a few college courses, and HAVE FUN.
Same story here...DD was not accepted to the USAFA Summer Seminar and now has an appointment to join the class of 2021. All is not lost :) Advice to next year's applicants: Finish your application ASAP. Ask for teacher recommendations at the end of junior year. Write those essays over the summer. Trying to do all this while doing all the work/activities of a high school senior looked extremely painful. And seeing people get appointments and LOAs as early as September ramped up the anxiety levels. If you do have spare time senior year apply for scholarships, many will be accepted toward your loans at the SAs. Good luck all!
As others have said, attending SS does not increase your chances if appointment.

DD attended and kept in touch with about 10 others in her session. Only 1 other besides her was offered an appointment, but that person also received an appointment to USNA and chose that.
Its story time.

Let me tell you all a story, as many others have said getting into the summer programs doesn't mean anything. Well back to my story, So I got into NASS and my friend did not and for some time he had given hope and though I was going to get in and he wasn't. Funny because he actually had better grades than me but I managed to get in..ding ding ding SS is not about high grades folks, and if you wrote on your personal statement that you have always wanted to attend a SA and you have visited it multiple times or you want to go there so badly. They will rather give it to someone who is unsure if it's the right place for them and they will give them the opportunity to come and check out how it feels like to be a mid/cadet.

Back to my story, fast forward... 6 months later he gets an LOA and got his appointment in december and can you guess what happened to me, the guy that went to NASS?..well folks I have been Complete Pending Review since November and it sucks but I still am positive and if don't get in this year hope I will next year.
I too was denied my USAFA's Summer Seminar last year. Don't let it get to you. There's plenty of factors outside of your control that play into it. Instead, focus on what you can influence: your chances of receiving an appointment. After I was denied, I realized there were things I could obviously improve on my application and that's what I focused on for the next year. And it payed off, I just received an appointment. So don't let this denial discourage you from the Academy. Part of becoming an officer is failing. Take this experience and use it as motivation to do better and earn an appointment. Best of luck!
I have just found out I have been denied from the USAFA Summer Seminar. It hurts, as this is my first summer seminar application to one of the academies. The best I can do for now is keep pushing and stay positive. Congrats to those who got accepted. And for those who are in the same boat as me, do not worry. There are better things coming our way.

Don't be discouraged. My son was denied the Summer program, but was later offered appointments from two Academies. One was an early appointment. The summer program really has no affect on the ultimate outcome. Just keep working & studying hard. Study for the SAT! Keep your grades up, and seek out leadership and community service opportunities. Also, make sure your applications for nominations look and read professional. You'll do fine!