As mom of a DD, I'm struggling, as I'm sure are others. My dad was 28 years in the Army - he was a noble and honorable man, and unless we had our heads in the sand, we never would have imagined him behaving in either of these manners. It seems that everyone on this forum is equally disturbed and outraged.
So how/why do these things happen? I have unofficially linked alcohol use to the various reports of sexual assault that have surfaced during the 2+ years that DD has been in her SS/SA application process, but it seems neither of these cases is directly linked to alcohol. Further, the second scandal is pervasive - and seemingly determined to continue. I understand that the media has unearthed the most shocking posts to publicize, but it is still very disturbing that this culture is present at all.
Any words of reassurance - or even a stiff reality check - would be appreciated.