Yes. The SAs offer more appointments than spots available. They do this knowing that some candidates who have been offered appointments will turn them down. This is what the SAs call yield rate. USNA has a target class size based upon congressional requirements, funding, needs of the Navy. USNA will offer x amount of spots over that target number based upon yield and then end up generally very close to that number. If for some reason their yield rate is higher than anticipated, USNA will not rescind appointments, the class will just be slightly larger. If that number is lower than expected, USNA can offer appointments to those on the waitlist. USNA usually offers around 50-100 waitlist spots each years. Most who are selected for this will know fairly late in the process around late March/early April. USNA encourages those on the waitlist to continue with Plan B options as very few come off the waitlist. In the last 5 years or so it’s been a handful or less who have made it off the list. Also, USNA will start to cut that list down and turn waitlist offers to TWEs as the class size settles. They will leave some on the waitlist even up to I Day as they can offer appointments until a day or two prior.