My son had occasional enuresis as an adolescent, but it stopped before he turned 13 . On the Dodmerb questionnaire (Report of Medical History) that is filled out prior to Dodmerb exam, it asks if "YOU HAVE EVER HAD BEDWETTING AFTER AGE 12". So, of course my son will check YES. When doing research on if this will be disqualifying for entry into a service academy, I found out that medical waivers are only necessary if the applicant "Does Not Meet Medical Standards" as outlined in DoDI 6130.03. So I went to that document and found information on enuresis under 2 sections:
Urinary System
c. History or treatment of the following voiding symptoms within the previous 12 months:
(1) Urinary frequency or urgency more than every 2 hours on a daily basis.
(2) Nocturia more than two episodes during sleep period.
(3) Enuresis (788.30).
(4) Incontinence of urine, such as urge or stress.
(5) Urinary retention.
(6) Dysuria.
Sleep Disorders
a. Chronic insomnia (780.5). Within the past year, had difficulty sleeping, or used
medications to promote sleep for more than 3 nights per week, over a period of 3 months.
b. Sleep-related breathing disorders (327). Current diagnosis or treatment of sleep-related breathing disorders, including but not limited to sleep apnea (327.2).
c. Current or history of narcolepsy, cataplexy (347-347.11), or other hypersomnia disorders (327.13-19).
d. Circadian rhythm disorders requiring treatment (307.45).
e. Current or history of parasomnia (327.44, 327.49), including but not limited to sleepwalking, enuresis, or night terrors (307.46), after the age of 15.
f. Current diagnosis or treatment of sleep-related movement disorders to include restless leg syndrome (327.5).
Am I safe to assume that he will not be disqualified for enuresis for any service academy since his enuresis stopped before age 13? It is very confusing because the DoDmerb Exam asks "after age 12", but all my research shows an enuresis disqualification is for after the age 15. Should I ask for a note from his pediatrician in an advance of any remedial being triggered stating when the enuresis stopped and that there has been no recurrence since age 12 and have my son bring it to his DoDmerb exam? Thank you for any insight!
Urinary System
c. History or treatment of the following voiding symptoms within the previous 12 months:
(1) Urinary frequency or urgency more than every 2 hours on a daily basis.
(2) Nocturia more than two episodes during sleep period.
(3) Enuresis (788.30).
(4) Incontinence of urine, such as urge or stress.
(5) Urinary retention.
(6) Dysuria.
Sleep Disorders
a. Chronic insomnia (780.5). Within the past year, had difficulty sleeping, or used
medications to promote sleep for more than 3 nights per week, over a period of 3 months.
b. Sleep-related breathing disorders (327). Current diagnosis or treatment of sleep-related breathing disorders, including but not limited to sleep apnea (327.2).
c. Current or history of narcolepsy, cataplexy (347-347.11), or other hypersomnia disorders (327.13-19).
d. Circadian rhythm disorders requiring treatment (307.45).
e. Current or history of parasomnia (327.44, 327.49), including but not limited to sleepwalking, enuresis, or night terrors (307.46), after the age of 15.
f. Current diagnosis or treatment of sleep-related movement disorders to include restless leg syndrome (327.5).
Am I safe to assume that he will not be disqualified for enuresis for any service academy since his enuresis stopped before age 13? It is very confusing because the DoDmerb Exam asks "after age 12", but all my research shows an enuresis disqualification is for after the age 15. Should I ask for a note from his pediatrician in an advance of any remedial being triggered stating when the enuresis stopped and that there has been no recurrence since age 12 and have my son bring it to his DoDmerb exam? Thank you for any insight!