DoDMERB Remedial confusion


5-Year Member
Sep 11, 2013
Hi, on the DoDMERB website it states a remedial was requested from all of the academies I applied to (AFA, USMA, USNA). The only code it gives me is specifically on the Air Force application and it is requesting a sitting height. The other applications (NA and MA) just say remedial requested. Does this mean a remedial was requested for sitting height for all 3, or do the other 2 have other problems, and if so why wouldn't there be a code? :confused:
I would think you have another remedial issue. Sitting height for AF is regards to rated slots. If you are too tall or too short they will DQ you, but give waivers for rated, you just can't do ejection seat.

PS Flieger will tell you if you are too tall the trick is to learn how to slouch. Are you a giant...i.e 6'6+?
So why wouldn't the other two academies have codes for the remedial request?
Just guessing, but maybe they put down the wrong code.

I can't understand at 5'9 you have a sitting height issue. I also can't understand how a remedial will help because for remedials typically all you do is send in all of your medical records from your family doc. I don't think for any of my 3 children our docs ever measured their sitting height, thus sending medical history wouldn't show the real issue.

Plus, for AFA all this is really about is if you can sit in an ejection seat. It doesn't stop you from going rated at all. Rated(pilot/Cso) must pass the FC1 physical for flight school. This is when they do the sitting height. IOTW, for you this part is about 4 yrs away.
DS AROTC DODMERB exam, but the doc did check sitting height. Perhaps the doc just forgot to put the OP's sitting height, triggering a remedial?
So how will I find out what reasons the other academies requested a remedial? And if sitting height is unnecessary and not done at this stage, will I be able to do it at the contractor's office? I did not see a spot for it on the medical exam sheet. Also what is an OP? Thanks for the responses Pima.
OP=Original Poster

They will send you an official letter via snail mail. It will give you directions on what exactly needs to be submitted and how to do the submission.

Like I said, the reason I find this remedial issue interesting because if all you have to do is send your past medical history to clear you, I doubt your family doc ever did a sitting height measurement growing up.

They may request you go back to a doc to have it re-measured, but still at 5'9, I can't understand how you were not within the limits, unless you are all legs (i.e 36" pant inseam).

They might think the same thing, thus asking for a remedial where you go to another doc. to see if the 1st measurement was entered properly.
Ok, I just got the letter and it says all that is necessary is the sitting height. Thus I am left clueless as to why it said the other two academies (USNA, USMA) still say remedial requested? What does an ejection seat have to do with the army, especially since you say they check this as an upperclassmen at the academy.
Does DoDMERB request the remedial, not the individual academies? Perhaps when you had the physical, they wrote down an "impossible" number, therefore, since it is on the form, and the information was needed for the form, it simply kicked off a remedial....which shows it is needed by all academies, simply because it is on the original medical form. Hope that made sense!
DoDMERB requests remedials. Once they receive and review whatever was requested in the remedial, they then either ask for more info, DQ or Q.
Qs and DQs are sent to the SAs.
In a DQ situation, the SA(s) can ask for more info, but it goes through DoDMERB to the candidate.

Could be that there was a standard that was not met for USNA and USMA and DoDMERB needs more information (remedial) but it was not an issue for USAFA.

None of us on here really know though. Your best bet is to give DoDMERB a call.
Ya, I don't ever remember taking a sitting height measurement though. Maybe the complete absence just triggered an across the board remedial. Since it is the only code on the letter, hopefully I can just drop in and get it over with and the DoDMERB will pass me. Thanks for the help everyone!