My daughter, who goes by Navy_Hornet on the other board, got her results posted today. Took the physical July 12th (her 17th birthday plus a day) and results were posted July 27th. Pretty neat, half of the 30 days.
No remedials are listed and the bottom says Air Force "Potential Navigator Qualified." Since her vision is about 20/60 or so without her contacts we assume that's the reason she's not "Potential Pilot Qualified"
Now I guess we'll have to see if the Naval Academy waiver request goes through okay. It's our understanding that the Naval Academy does a vision waiver automatically without our doing anything?

No remedials are listed and the bottom says Air Force "Potential Navigator Qualified." Since her vision is about 20/60 or so without her contacts we assume that's the reason she's not "Potential Pilot Qualified"
Now I guess we'll have to see if the Naval Academy waiver request goes through okay. It's our understanding that the Naval Academy does a vision waiver automatically without our doing anything?